Medicinal properties and contraindications of thyme for the human body

Some consider thyme or thyme to be a common spice that is only used in cooking. However, in practice, this plant is actively used in folk medicine to get rid of many serious diseases. In some cases, this spice is used even in the treatment of deadly diseases. Before being treated with thyme, you need to familiarize yourself with its contraindications and medicinal properties.

The chemical composition of the plant

Before using a spice in the treatment of diseases, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of its chemical composition. The plant is often used in traditional medicine, since it contains a large amount of beneficial trace elements. A distinctive feature of the chemical composition of thyme is that its leaves contain many vitamins, fats and proteins. Also, the plant is rich in mineral components, which include iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium and sodium.

contraindications for thyme

A mature plant contains a lot of essential oil, which is half carvacrol and thymol.

Useful properties of the main varieties

Thyme differs from other varieties of spices in its number of useful properties. The essential oils that are in the composition are responsible for providing most of them. Thanks to them, thyme has antifungal and antiseptic properties. It is also considered a good natural antioxidant that can help improve the functioning of the immune system and cope with inflammation.

main varieties

Almost all types of thyme have all of the above medicinal properties. However, some varieties have unique beneficial properties that others do not.

Thyme ordinary

People in climatic zones where common thyme grows best, use it for medicinal purposes.

This herb is used to relieve bloating and improve digestion. The herb contains many essential oils, under the influence of which intestinal spasms are completely eliminated and the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract improves.

healing properties

Creeping thyme

This variety is used by many to relieve muscle spasms. The herb is especially popular among women, as it helps to eliminate menstrual cramps.

climatic zones

Lemon-smelling thyme

The lemon-scented variety is more commonly used by people who suffer from hypotension.Medicines from this plant are used to stabilize blood pressure. Also, this culture has a diuretic effect, due to which the body is cleansed of accumulated fluid.

suffer from hypotension

Why thyme is useful for the human body

Before using the herb, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the features of its effect on the human body.

it is recommended to read

For men

The spice has a considerable number of useful properties that have a beneficial effect on men's health. With the help of this herb, alcoholism, weak erection, infections of the reproductive system, prostatitis and hair loss are treated.

Also, thyme is able to eliminate the inflammatory processes occurring in the prostate gland. To create a medicine, a few mint leaves and thyme buds are added to the tea leaves. All ingredients are boiled and infused for 20 minutes, after which the agent is used to treat inflammation.

reproductive system

For women

Thyme is often used to restore women's health. This herb has a tonic effect, thanks to which it is possible to quickly get rid of sleep problems. Also, the use of thyme medicines will eliminate uterine bleeding and relieve cystitis.

women's health

For kids

Some doctors advise giving thyme medicines to children. They can help treat pneumonia, rhinitis, flu, and the common cold. Regular use of thyme will relieve the baby of dysbiosis and bloating.

will save the baby

For what diseases is it used?

It is no secret that thyme is used in the treatment of many diseases. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with what diseases it is best to use this plant.

For coughs and bronchitis

Doctors advise treating coughs with thyme, as it has an expectorant effect, due to which accumulated phlegm is removed from the throat. It is recommended to use the plant not only for bronchitis, but also for tracheitis, whooping cough or asthma.

many diseases

For gynecological diseases

Thyme is recommended to be used by girls who suffer from gynecological diseases. If an inflammatory process appears in the small pelvis, douching must be performed immediately. For this, the thyme infusion is diluted with warm water.

gynecological diseases

With hypotension

Preparations made from fresh thyme can restore blood pressure. Often, such drugs are prescribed for hypotensive patients to tone up and activate blood circulation.

arterial pressure

When fighting alcoholism

Regular use of thyme products makes many patients averse to alcohol. It is thanks to this that many experts advise using the plant to get rid of alcoholism. Thyme helps to cope with addiction thanks to thymol, which is found in the herb. When interacting with alcohol, this substance provokes severe nausea in the patient with vomiting.

patients disgust


A considerable number of medicines are made on the basis of thyme. The most famous are the following:

  • "Bronchicum". This medicine comes in the form of drops, which are used to fight coughs and respiratory problems. During treatment, it is necessary to take 15 drops of Bronchicum daily. Before each intake, the medicinal liquid is thoroughly shaken.
  • "Stomatofit". The drug is used to eliminate inflammation in the oral cavity, which manifests itself in the form of stomatitis, glossitis or periodontitis. "Stomatofit" is used for rinsing the mouth. To prepare a rinsing solution, you will have to mix 15 ml of the drug with 250 ml of water. The oral cavity is washed three times every day.
  • "Eucabal". The tool is used to get rid of the most common diseases of the respiratory tract, which include rhinitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis.When treating with Eucalab, the agent is rubbed into the back or chest twice a day.


In folk medicine

In folk medicine, tea made from thyme is most often used. Such a remedy is considered universal and helps to cope with diseases of the intestines and stomach, as well as eliminate the symptoms of a cold. There are several ways to make effective thyme medicinal tea:

  • Method # 1. When using this method, during the preparation of tea, 100 grams of dried herbs are poured into 300 ml of boiled water. The solution is infused for at least 40 minutes, after which it is carefully filtered through cheesecloth.
  • Method # 2. To make tea according to this recipe, you will need not only thyme, but also other ingredients. To create a health drink, you have to mix 7 grams of thyme with a gram of wormwood and 2 grams of rosemary. Then a spoonful of salt is added to the mixture, after which it is poured with a liter of water.
  • Method number 3. In this case, you will have to mix the thyme with potassium bromide and sugar syrup to create the tea. After stirring all the components, you should get a sweet liquid with a brown tint. The prepared mixture is used in the fight against whooping cough or bronchitis.

made from thyme

Thyme in cooking

Thyme is not only used in folk medicine, but also in cooking when creating many dishes. A distinctive feature of this spice is its bitter taste, thanks to which dishes with thyme become much tastier.

Seasoning is often added to dishes made with fish or meat to make them taste much brighter and more aromatic. When creating meat dishes, they use thyme twigs, which, after heat treatment, saturate the dish with a pleasant aroma.

many dishes

Also, spice is added when preparing vegetable dishes or salads. Some people advise putting thyme in dishes with mushrooms, as this combination creates an unforgettable taste. Experienced housewives add this seasoning to soups, broths and borscht.

vegetable dishes

Contraindications and health side effects

Thyme treatment can bring not only benefits to the person, but also harm. In order not to harm your health, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the contraindications to the use of this plant in advance.

The spice contains a lot of thymol and therefore should not be consumed by people with stomach ulcers or heart failure.

Also, pregnant girls are not advised to take thyme so that uterine contractions do not appear. In some women, prolonged use of the plant leads to disruption of the thyroid glands.

 health effects


Thyme is often used by lovers of traditional medicine to get rid of various diseases. Before using this seasoning for medicinal purposes, you should familiarize yourself with its composition and features of use.

apply this seasoning

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