Description of the variety of cherries Home Garden yellow, planting and care, preparation for winter

Yellow cherry is a favorite delicacy and an already mastered fruit crop. But special admiration is caused by the Home Garden yellow cherry. This variety is young, early, early ripening and fruitful. And if he has shortcomings, then they are literally a continuation of his merits.

History of origin and region of growth

Specialists all over the world are actively involved in the selection of fruit plants. The work of domestic geneticists and breeders has been noted with remarkable success. Cherry variety Priusadebnaya yellow was created in Russia by crossing Leningradskaya red and Zolotoy Loshitskaya varieties with subsequent neuronal irradiation. And together with other new fruit drupes, he confidently took a place of honor in the private farms of the Central Black Earth Region.

In recent years, our climate has been softening. In the reviews, there are comments about a successful test of cherry cultivation in more northern territories. But there they give the plant a stale shape, gradually tilting the seedling closer to the ground from year to year, at the same time giving the crown the necessary outlines by pruning. An extremely time consuming and interesting experience.

Description of the variety of cherries Home garden yellow

The height of the tree and the branching of the crown

Sweet cherry Home garden yellow grows very quickly. If the gardener does not control the growth in a timely manner, by the time of fruiting, the height of the tree can reach 4-5 m. This will create many problems when harvesting and protecting it from birds. Although, according to some reviews, yellow cherry does not seem to tempt them. That would be an extra fat plus.

The massive trunk and tiered arrangement of sweet cherry shoots represent a sprawling spherical well-leafy crown with a radius of up to 4 m.But you cannot call it very thickened, therefore, forming pruning and harvesting are not particularly difficult.

branching crown

Pollinators, flowering and yield

A huge advantage of Home Garden yellow is its self-pollination. It was noticed that the yield could be increased by being close to other pollinators. But there is no need to increase it with its yield! She herself, in turn, is a good pollinator and valuable honey plant.

Cherry blossoms early: in early May. Elegant bouquets of 3-5 wonderful white flowers are resistant to frosty May matinees. Home garden yellow cherries begin to bear fruit at the age of 6. But then every year it gives a high harvest to envy.

Description of the variety of cherries Home Garden yellow, planting and care, preparation for winter

Knowledgeable gardeners remove up to 50% of the ovaries immediately. Then the rest give larger fruits. In previous years, in general, they try to cut off the entire color so that the root system grows better..

The size of berries in good weather conditions reaches 2 cm, weight - up to 6 g. They are round, the skin and pulp are yellow. Sour-sweet taste and juiciness are wonderful. Professionals score 4.7 on a five-point scale. The bones are too big, but the plus is that they are easily separated from the pulp. The peduncle is long, dry.

This cherry does not crack in the rain. It ripens simultaneously in June. With controlled trunk height and crown diameter, the yield from year to year is at least 20-30 kg.

cherry varieties

Transportability and use of berries

The impressive annual yield for some turns out to be a disadvantage of the variety: large juicy sweet cherries cannot stand moving and therefore are not transportable. It would not have been possible to grow Home Garden yellow in commercial volumes. That is why it is so named.

This is a table variety. Berries are mostly consumed fresh. They keep their original freshness in the refrigerator for a long time. Many are harvested in the form of juices, jams, preserves and compotes, remarkable in that the berries remain firm and do not boil over. Sometimes, in order to have time to fully use the harvest, cherries are frozen.

Not only are cherry fruits a source of many essential trace elements, they also support blood vessels and counteract anemia. Like all yellow-fruited, Homeyard yellow does not provoke allergic reactions.

application of berries

Characteristics of culture

Drought tolerance

The variety tolerates drought well on average. It also bears fruit well in Central Asia. It is only necessary to control the moisture content of the soil and obligatory watering at the times that are crucial for the harvest. Still, for the ripening of such a significant amount of juicy cherries, water is one of the most necessary conditions.

Frost resistance

The backyard yellow cherry with a reserve tolerates the May frosts. Wood hibernates without loss at frost of about 30˚. But in order to avoid sunburn and frostbites, in late autumn at an air temperature of + 5˚, but not lower, the trunks and skeletal branches are whitewashed with lime. Repeat whitewashing in early spring.

When zoned in the Central Black Earth Region, this sweet cherry, in terms of frost resistance, begins to develop in the North-West and, with the help of enthusiasts, with certain cultivation methods, it moves to more northern latitudes.

large fruits

Exposure to insects and disease

Due to early flowering and fruiting, the Home Garden yellow cherry manages to ripen before the appearance of pests. Even a cherry fly cannot keep up with her.

The variety is resistant to common diseases. But in rain and cold, and with an unscarred crown, cherries can be in a very difficult position. Therefore, in dry cloudy weather, trees are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid or copper sulfate, just in case.

The processing of cherries with drugs is stopped 3 weeks before harvesting. A certain category of pests cannot be ignored: these are birds. If they get used to it, you will have to cover the tree with a special net.

has time to mature

Planting cherries on the site

Recommended timing and landing pattern

When is it more correct to plant? Gardeners have different opinions: some insist on autumn, others prefer spring. In either case, there may be risks for an immature plant. This is either an unexpectedly frosty, snowless winter, or too little time from frost to budding to have time to acquire a seedling and plant it. A home garden yellow cherry blossoms early.

Therefore, experienced specialists select seedlings in the fall and plant them in the spring. To preserve the tree during the winter, it is buried in a semi-horizontal position on a high, flat area with loose soil. In winter, you need to cover it well with snow, and if it is not yet there, but the frost is getting stronger, you can cover it with straw, rags or peat, you can use an old blanket.

landing scheme

In winter, it will be time to think about where the most suitable place for planting is, so that later not to replant. Cherry does not like this.

By the way: you cannot replant trees with blossoming leaves..

In the spring (as soon as the soil permits), seedlings with bare roots are planted. Those bought in a container can be planted at any time from April to October.

Usually the Home Garden yellow cherries are planted according to the scheme of 3 mx 3 m. It is believed that it is good to place it almost close to the house or other summer cottage structure. So that the north winds do not pester. Then it will be easier for her to survive the winter.

pit dimensions

Recommendations for choosing a seedling

It is better to select seedlings in well-known nurseries, which guarantee both the quality and the cherries of the Priusadebnaya yellow variety.

If it is not possible to contact the nursery, be more careful: it happens that unscrupulous sellers slip poor-quality goods, and sometimes even “instead of an apple tree plum”. So it's worth critically evaluating your purchase. Should be:

  • availability of a passport;
  • one-year or two-year seedling;
  • at least 3 roots about 20 cm long;
  • vaccinated;
  • without blossoming leaves;
  • the roots are not frozen;
  • no damage, mold, signs of decay.

When planting, overdried roots are immersed in water for several hours, but it would be better if they were immediately more alive.

seedling selection

Planting pit preparation and planting technology

The place is selected carefully: safe from northern winds, with a distance from the surface to the groundwater of at least 1.5-2 m. When the waters are closer, drainage is necessary to ensure the required moisture level.

If the cherry is planted in the fall, the pit is prepared in a month or two. If in the spring - the hole is dug in October. A soil that is suitable in composition is formed: coarse-grained sand is poured into clay, and peat and clay are added to the sandy one. The natural acidity of the Home Garden yellow cherry is 6.5-7.

pit preparation

Usually Home Garden yellow is planted according to the common technology for cherries:

  • dig a hole with a diameter of 90 cm, with a depth of up to 60 cm;
  • pour a mixture of humus into it with a small amount of garden soil;
  • add 1 kg of furnace ash and about 0.5 kg of superphosphate there, mix everything, form a mound;
  • drive a peg-support into the mound;
  • before planting, the roots are soaked for 10 hours;
  • then dip them in a 5-liter mullein solution with half the amount of clay;
  • keeping the position of the root collar 5-6 cm above the surface, the seedling is lowered into the hole next to the peg, the roots are spread over the mound and covered with garden soil;
  • trample the soil around the tree;
  • tie him to a support;
  • generously water and mulch the landing site with humus.

planting process

How to care for a tree

Top dressing and watering

In the spring of Home Garden yellow, nitrogen fertilizers are needed. Before fruiting, the cherry is watered with diluted manure or urea solution. Then they switch to potash and phosphorus supplements. In October-November, digging, they are introduced into the soil in a complex manner:

  • humus - 10 kg;
  • superphosphate - 100 g;
  • potassium salt - 60 g.

During the season, it is good to feed with a 5-6 day infusion of weeded nettle.

For the full development and fruiting of cherries, an optimal irrigation regime is required. Abundant watering is required for cherries in three periods:


  • blooming buds;
  • fruit setting;
  • in autumn after harvest and before leaving for winter around the end of October.

In the first two, at least 2-3 buckets are poured under the tree in one watering. In normal summer, cherries are well watered monthly, and during drought, weekly.

In early spring, the tree is watered just before flowering: otherwise the ovary may crumble.

Weeding and loosening the trunk circle

Garden yellow, like other types of cherries, does not tolerate waterlogging. In order for the roots to "breathe" and better absorb the fertilizing, after rains and watering, the near-trunk circle is weeded, loosened with a pitchfork, rake and mulched with cut grass.

loosening the circle

Form trimming

For the rationing of the sweet cherry yield and maintaining the low growth of the tree, the formation of the crown is necessary at first.

  1. After planting a seedling, to stimulate lateral shoots, the central trunk is cut to about 60 cm.
  2. Every year the increase is shortened by a third.
  3. Cut out shoots directed inside the crown, and leave rare strong, growing at an angle of 45-50˚ to the trunk.
  4. Until the cherries reach the age of five, they annually form a tier-type crown, creating 3 or 4 levels, and limit the height of the tree.
  5. Cut off dried or broken branches.

They are engaged in pruning in the spring before, and in the fall after active sap flow. Slices are covered with garden pitch. Cut branches must be burned.

molding trim

Preventive treatment

Even taking into account the high immunity of yellow cherries to diseases, some gardeners, just in case, are insured by spraying it in the spring before the leaves appear with a 7% urea solution or 1% copper sulfate.

Gardeners who do not like "chemistry" spray the tree with infusions of onion and garlic husks, dandelions, wood ash, tobacco dust.


  • in spring, frost-bruised shoots are cut and burned;
  • at the end of October, fallen leaves are collected and burned.

Preparing cherries for winter

Considering the natural frost resistance of Home Garden yellow, it remains to create the most comfortable conditions for her, protecting her from other troubles:

  1. It is good to dig up the earth around the trunk.
  2. From damage to the trunk by rodents, tie it with burlap, rags, spruce branches, wrap with roofing material.
  3. In September, water the tree with a superphosphate solution or process the foliage to reinforce the cherries and help them during frosts.
  4. To prevent sunburn, whitewash trees with lime and clay, and young trees - with clay and chalk, since lime can damage their bark.

wrap the barrel

Reviews about cherries Home garden yellow

Lyudmila Kanatova, Kursk:

The fruits are not stored for a long time, I distribute them to relatives or immediately preserve them. An important plus - birds do not peck yellow cherries.

Tatiana Gribanovskaya, Krasnodar:

The higher the tree, the more fruit it has, however! On my site, it flaunts in season, like a huge yellow corn!

Larisa Ivanovna, Chernigov:

There are advantages in growing Home Garden yellow cherries. For example, birds rarely peck them, and during the period of prolonged rains, the fruits practically do not crack.

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