Instructions for the use of fungicide Benorad and consumption rates

The cultivation of grain, garden, horticultural crops is associated not only with proper care, but also protection from pathogenic microorganisms. Under unfavorable climatic and weather conditions, plants are affected by fungi. Planting material and crops can be protected with the Benorad fungicide.

Composition, purpose and form of release of the fungicide "Benorad"

The one-component preparation consists of the benomyl class of benzimidazoles. A kilogram of the product contains 500 grams of a white crystalline substance with a mild irritating odor.

When benomyl breaks down, it releases the substance butyl zocyanate, known for its fungicidal properties. After processing the plants, the active substance is preserved for a long time without washing off.

The value of the drug is that it is used for:

  • dressing the seeds of conifers to avoid mold growth;
  • processing tubers and bulbs of flowers, indoor and garden;
  • spraying grain crops from diseases caused by the causative agent of gray rot, fusarium, dust smut;
  • treatment of powdery mildew, sugar beet phomosis.

The drug is produced by the firm "August" in bags of 12 kilograms. The wetting powder is used to prepare the suspension.

fungicide Benorad

The mechanism of action of the agent

Benomil (foundazol) gets inside the cells of the plant. After its transformation into carbendizim, it begins to be active against fungal infections. The fungicide acts on the surface of the leaves, protecting against the spread and growth of spores. Protection is created by the penetration of pathogens into plant tissues.

The main function of the foundation is to suppress the activity of the reproductive system of the pathogen on the growing parts. The effect of the drug does not apply to the new leaves that have appeared.

In addition to fungicidal properties, the main component of "Benorad" suppresses spider mites and melons aphids. The development of the buckwheat leaf beetle is stopped by the drug. It also affects the spread of nematodes inhabiting the soil.


Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of using "Benorad" are that the product:

  • has a systemic effect;
  • heals and protects plants, seeds, tubers;
  • effective against a wide range of diseases;
  • combined with other drugs to enhance the fungicidal action.

The disadvantage of the drug is that it fights fungi in those areas that are pickled. It does not spread further on new leaves and stems, therefore it is necessary to use the fungicide several times. It should be noted that the drug is highly toxic to humans.

plants in the beds

The period of the protective action of the agent

After spraying during the day, the action of the fungicide against pathogens occurs, blocking their growth and reproduction. 3 hours after spraying, the preparation remains on plant parts without being washed off by rain.

Seeds and plants are protected by the basic substance for 7-10 days. The suppression of the activity of pathogenic fungi appears during the first 3 days after spraying.

Possibility of emergence of resistance

If the agent is used constantly, then the resistance to it in pathogens begins to manifest itself significantly. If you replace the drug with a similar one, then the resistance disappears.

Fundazol does not work at all on rusty species of fungi, bacteria. The effectiveness of the agent against the causative agent of downy mildew is low. Are not amenable to the action of benomyl sclerotinia, alternaria.

Instructions for the use of fungicide Benorad and consumption rates

Preparation of working solution for different plants

The preparation of the working fluid should take place on a separate site. Water is poured into the spray tank. 5 liters of water are poured into a special dish, then the norm of the powder is poured into it. After thorough mixing, add water to the desired amount. Pour into a spray bottle and spray the plants.

It is necessary to observe the concentration of the product for different plants. For 10 liters of water, take for:

  • beets - 6-8 grams of powder;
  • wheat, barley, millet - 3-6;
  • cabbage - 15;
  • dressing of seeds and tubers - 2.5;
  • berry bushes - 10;
  • flower crops - 10;
  • fruit trees - 10 grams.

The consumption of the drug is different for each culture. Usually, 5 liters of liquid is enough for young trees, shrubs, and for adults - 2 times more.

solution preparation

Instructions for using the drug

Use a fungicide while watering. The number of treatments differs depending on the crop.

Before planting cabbage, the soil is spilled with working fluid 1 time, saving from keels.

Vegetable plants: cucumbers, tomatoes - are processed when signs of powdery mildew, spotting appear up to 4 times. The last procedure is 10 days before harvest.

Preventive measures with grapes, gooseberry bushes, currants should be carried out before flowering. The second time is after picking berries.

As soon as spots appear on the rose, the bush requires spraying with Benorad. You can completely get rid of the disease with 4 treatments.

When potato tubers are prepared for planting, they are pickled with a chemical solution, a liter for 20 tubers. The amount of funds is taken for dilution in 20 grams.

Gladiolus bulbs are soaked for 3 hours in a solution prepared from 10 grams of pesticide per 2 liters of water.

drug use

Safety precautions when using a fungicide

Given the toxicity of the drug of the 2nd class for humans, you need to work with it only in protective clothing, rubber gloves, a mask, and glasses. It is forbidden to cultivate crops near a river, lake, pond.

They choose such a time for spraying so that there is no summer of bees: morning or evening, and the wind speed is within 3-4 meters per second. The distance to the nearest apiary should be 2 kilometers.

When a person is poisoned with a drug, an ambulance team is urgently called. Only systematic treatment will save the patient.

things for safety

Compatibility with other products

"Benorad" is used in tank mixtures with other pesticides and fungicides. It is combined with mineral fertilizers, which are used for foliar feeding.

The effect of the drug is increased if it is mixed with products based on triazole and mancozeb.

Expiration date and storage rules

The storage of the powder must comply with the rules and regulations. Store the fungicide in:

  • a special room, separate from animal feed, human food;
  • closed containers;
  • a place inaccessible to children, animals.

Spilled or spilled chemical must be disposed of. Store it for 2 years.

storage in a bag

Similar drugs

Active against pathogenic fungi, acting like "Benorad", are such agents as "Benazol", "Benamil", "Fundazol", "Nor-Bi". They are based on the same active substance, which has a wide spectrum of action.

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