Instructions for use and mechanism of action of the herbicide Honor

Weeds are one of the most common problems that many summer residents face. To get rid of them, they often use the herbicide "Honor". Before using it, you need to understand in more detail its characteristics and tips for use.

Composition, purpose and preparative form of the herbicide "Honor"

"Honor" is a soil-type herbicide that is used to get rid of dicotyledonous weeds that have appeared on the site. It is used to protect crops, potatoes, carrots and sunflowers from weeds.

A product is made from a substance such as prometrine, which, when penetrating into the weeds, leads to their death. "Gonor" is produced in the form of a liquid, which is in small canisters.

How weed control works

Before spraying, you need to familiarize yourself with the principle of action of this herbicidal preparation. After treatment, the active substance penetrates through the root system into the stems and gradually accumulates in the foliage. The herbicide trapped inside begins to negatively affect the cell membrane of the weeds, because of which it is destroyed and the slowdown of photosynthesis begins.

A feature of "Honor" is considered to be its prolonged action, thanks to which the site remains protected from weeds for 60-70 days.

herbicide gonor

Benefits of using

"Gonor", like other herbicidal compositions, has a number of advantages that you need to familiarize yourself with before using it. The main benefits include the following:

  • efficiency, thanks to which it is possible to eliminate almost any weeds;
  • low cost;
  • ease of use;
  • fast speed of action;
  • long duration of the protective effect.

handle on the bottle

Consumption rate for different plants

The amount of herbicide used may differ depending on the plants that will be grown on the site:

  1. Vegetable crops. Most often "Honor" is used for processing a vegetable garden. In this case, you will have to use 20-25 milliliters of the drug.
  2. Cereals. When processing fields where crops are grown, you will have to use a lot of herbicide. 300-500 milliliters are consumed per hectare.
  3. Legumes. Plots of legumes are regularly sprayed with herbicide mixtures. To spray a hectare, you will need about a liter of the mixture.

Preparation of working solution

Before you start processing, you need to prepare a working solution with which the area will be sprayed.

When creating a mixture, a quarter of the tank is filled with clean water, after which a herbicide is added. Then the mixture in the container is thoroughly stirred and more water is poured. The prepared composition does not need to be insisted, since it must be consumed within 2-3 hours after preparation.

pour liquid

Herbicide application

The instructions for use will help you to use the "Honor" correctly, and therefore you need to read it.

The tool is used to cultivate the soil with a ground sprayer. Before this, the site is leveled and watered with water. It is better to spray in the early morning or in the evening, when the wind dies down.

Processing is done 1-2 times per season.


When using "Honor" you must adhere to safety precautions. Processing must be carried out with protective gloves so that drops do not fall on the skin surface. You also need to wear a respirator that will prevent the herbicide from entering the respiratory tract. Regular sun glasses are used to protect the eyes.

man is safe

Drug toxicity

People who will use "Honor" in the future must understand its degree of toxicity.

The drug is not capable of seriously harming humans, birds and bees. However, it is low-toxic only if the working mixture was prepared correctly, in compliance with all proportions.

The toxicity level may increase if more herbicide is added to the solution.

plant without disease

Is it compatible with other substances?

Sometimes the herbicide is used in conjunction with other drugs to make the herbicide more effective. "Honor" is compatible with such drugs as EC and "Anaconda". The composition prepared from these funds is capable of effectively fighting most dicotyledonous weeds that are often found in vegetable gardens.

However, there are herbicide mixtures with which Gonor is not compatible. Therefore, before mixing these or those funds, you must make sure that they are compatible.

corn field

How to store the product correctly?

There are certain peculiarities of herbicide storage, which should be familiarized with before purchasing "Honor". Experts advise keeping it in cool rooms where the temperature is kept at fifteen degrees Celsius. In such conditions, it will not deteriorate for 3-4 years. At room temperature, it will deteriorate 2-3 times faster.

What are the analogues?

If you are unable to purchase "Honor", you will have to use other means that have a similar effect instead. These include:

  • "Makstar";
  • Sigal;
  • "Gezagar";
  • "Prometrine".

ampoules of prometrine


Herbicide "Gonor" is a popular remedy that many people use to clear the area of ​​weeds. Before using it, you will have to familiarize yourself with the description of the drug, as well as with the features of the preparation and use of the working mixture.

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