Description and characteristics of Trout pear varieties, cultivation, planting and care

When choosing garden trees, gardeners take into account many factors, among them: the subtleties of growing, immunity to various kinds of plant diseases, the taste parameters of fruits. The pear is considered the main decoration of the garden. The selectors have bred many different types of aromatic crops, among which the Trout pear variety is worth noting.

Description and characteristics of pear Trout

Unpretentious pear Trout is a compact tree for a small area. The most developed specimens do not exceed 6 m in height. The trunk has an intense brown tone. A distinctive quality of the Trout variety is neat leaves with gloss and light yellow veins.

The abundant flowering of the prolific pear begins with the beginning of the thaw in April. The compact species is not a self-fertile crop. The first significant harvest can be obtained 3 years after direct planting in open ground.

Due to the pink-yellow color of the fruit with red dots, the pear variety was named Trout.

The tree produces fruits with a total weight of 130-150 g with a beautiful smooth skin, aromatic white pulp and a slight cinnamon flavor.

Pros and cons of the variety

Among the positive parameters, the following features of a compact pear are worth noting:

  • Bountiful harvest.
  • Tolerates dry periods and severe cold.
  • Large fruits.
  • Unpretentiousness to soil composition.

pear trout

Among the shortcomings, gardeners distinguish the following qualities:

  • Short storage time - 2 weeks if conditions are carefully observed.
  • Susceptibility to gray mold.
  • Average winter hardiness and the need for fruit cover.
  • Scattering of ripe fruits preserved on the branches.

Despite the existing disadvantages, many gardeners prefer this unassuming variety, cultivate it on their site.

Basic landing rules

Before the direct planting of the pear, they prepare the soil in the fall, dig it up using organic compounds, and dig a hole in the fall. The parameters of the deepening are a depth of 1 meter and a diameter of 80 cm. And all this is done after the fall of the autumn foliage, before the onset of the first frost.

pear trout

Youngsters are planted by performing the following steps:

  • The fertile half of the soil is thoroughly mixed with the wood ash collected in advance, the roots of the seedling are placed in the composition.
  • The bottom of the pit is covered with high-quality drainage, a wooden peg is driven in from the side of the center of the pit.
  • Lower the pear sample into the pit, gently spreading the roots.
  • After filling 2/3 of the recess, a bucket of settled water is poured.
  • After absorbing moisture, sprinkle the pit with the remaining mixed soil.

Important! When filling up the earth, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the root collar. After the earthen cushion has shrunk, it should be placed on the surface; it is important not to allow it to completely fall asleep.

planting pear

In vegetable gardens with a high location of internal groundwater, a dense drainage layer of about 40 cm is made.

Landing dates

It is necessary to plant seedlings of unpretentious pears after the retreat of winter frosts, when the soil is sufficiently warm. In many regions, this time falls in April. It is possible to start planting works of the Trout pear variety only after the final establishment of weather conditions.

How to choose seedlings?

Yield indicators and decorative qualities of the variety directly depend on the selected planting material.

pear seedlings

In this case, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • The optimal age for the selected young stock should be 1-2 years.
  • Look closely at the tree for defects.
  • The condition of the branches is assessed; with little effort, they should not bend and break.
  • They closely look at the state of the developed root system of a strong pear, check for the presence of small pests and damage.

How to choose a place in the garden?

The pear feels great in a lit space, prefers warmth. When choosing a site for landing, take into account that the site must be protected from blowing winds.

pear trout

The tree must be planted in such a way that the branches do not intertwine with other crowns. Rowan is a bad neighbor tree for the unassuming pear Trout, this will complicate its development, since the culture is very susceptible to various pests. Trees thrive on salty, clayey soil compositions.

Planting pit preparation

Before placing the seedling, the planting hole is carefully prepared. During the autumn digging, high-quality organic matter is introduced into the soil composition. A kilogram of ash or high-quality manure, applied in the fall, will give its results in the next season. At the same time, it is important to remember that such effective formulations often cannot be introduced; a break of several years must be observed between them.

pear pit

How to plant a seedling correctly?

Part of the excavated earth from the pit is mixed with ash in equal proportions, the composition is moistened, then the roots are dipped into the thick mixture. During planting, a young seedling is attached to a support driven into the ground. At the bottom of the soil, it is imperative that a sanitary composition is introduced; when the seedling is placed in the ground, they make sure that the neck is at the top all the time.

Plant care

To get a stable harvest, you must follow the rules for caring for young growth. Not only the appearance of the crop depends on these actions, but also its susceptibility to common diseases of fruit trees. Gardeners note that everyone can take care of the Trout pear, because it is unassuming.

watering pear

Young seedlings are watered only with room water. The planted tree requires quality moisture every week. With the onset of heat, gardeners introduce sprinkling for young pear trees. For this purpose, the soil around the young is well moistened so that the life-giving moisture remains for a long time.


To maintain the required moisture level in the soil around the compact tree, the trunk circle is mulched. This method also helps to minimize weeds around the tree. As a raw material for mulch, gardeners use sawdust, moss, straw or mown grass, rotted needles.

pear trout

Crown formation

It will take 6 years for the shape of a young pear to take on a neat shape. During this time, a young seedling will form 5 skeletal branches. The phased formation of the crown is as follows:

  • At the beginning of sultry July, 3 mature shoots are isolated, placed with a gap of 15-20 cm, from these branches they form the lower tier.
  • With the necessary pruning of the Trout pear, the central conductor must be left 20 cm higher than the rest of the shoots.
  • The next stage is the next sanitary pruning - all weak branches and undeveloped shoots inside the crown are removed.
  • The full formation of the pear crown begins in the 3rd year of intensive development of the pear. 3-4 strong branches are left, growing evenly from the trunk.
  • In the fourth and fifth year of intensive development, lateral strong branches growing upward are removed at the base of the skeleton.

pruning pear

With well-formed skeletal branches and the absence of large parallel processes, it can be argued that the crown of the unpretentious Trout variety is of the correct shape.

Watering and fertilizing the soil

In a hot period, experienced gardeners recommend regular watering of pear young stock with warm, settled water. In order for the soil to be well saturated with moisture, it is necessary to thoroughly saturate the near-trunk soil, pouring up to 3 buckets under a tree.

Starting from the second year of development, the irrigation intensity is reduced up to 3 times per month.

High-quality fertilizers are applied from the next season after planting young stock in open ground. In the spring, high-quality carbamide is used, at the time of setting small fruits, the pear is fed with nitroammophos. In the fall, high-quality superphosphate and effective potassium chloride are introduced into the soil, and the introduction of ash into the soil during seasonal digging will also not interfere.

pear trout

Preparing for winter

The most crucial period of work in the cool autumn is the warming of the unpretentious Trout pear variety so that it can successfully endure all the hardships of the harsh winter. To cover the tree for the winter, make a "fur coat" for the trunk. To do this, strong felt and dried straw are carefully wrapped along the contour of the trunk, securely fixing with a strong burlap.

In certain regions with cold climates and winters with little snow, you can wrap the trunk with high-quality roofing felt. To protect the culture from uninvited guests, nimble rodents and forest hares, the trunks are additionally wrapped with a strong metal mesh.

pear trout

Diseases and pests

The Trout variety is susceptible to "fruit rot" spreading from excess moisture. In this case, the fruits are covered with intense brown spots. To avoid this, prophylactic spraying with effective "Fitosporin" is carried out.

Another attack of a pear is a widespread scab, which manifests itself in the form of spots and black dots, as a result of this lesion, inflorescences and leaves begin to fall off.

To overcome the ailment, the affected shoots are removed, the tree is sprayed with Bordeaux liquid before bud break. To prevent the young shoots of the pear from attacking aphids, the trunk is sprayed with a similar composition.

Harvesting and storage of crops

Fruit ripens at the end of October. When ripe, pears take on a yellowish tint with beautiful red specks. In a cool room, an unripe crop of the variety can be stored for a whole month. At optimal room temperature, the fruits retain their original appearance for 2 weeks. If the gardener seeks to stock up on the harvest for the winter, then he removes the pears Trout in an unripe form. With proper storage conditions and optimal humidity levels, there is a chance to preserve fruits for up to six months.

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