Description of the potato variety Sorcerer, its characteristics and yield

Potato Sorcerer appeared as a result of the experiments of Russian breeders. The culture belongs to the table varieties and is characterized by a medium-late ripening period. From the moment the first shoots appear until the fruits ripen, it takes from 80 to 90 days.

Potato bushes are of medium height and are characterized by spreading tops. The stems are distinguished by upright standing, located perpendicular to the ground surface. The shoots have large leaf plates, the length of which reaches 15 cm. A distinctive feature is the light green shade of the leaves and their specific shape. Unlike most potato crops, the Wizard has a straight leaf shape without waves around the edges. During the formation of inflorescences on the bushes, you can observe lush flowers with white corollas. At the time of flowering, they exude a pleasant smell.

potato wizard

What are the benefits of the plant?

The sorcerer belongs to the variety of popular and demanded potato varieties... Today, the culture is actively grown in conditions of farms and in small private farmsteads. Features and advantages of the view:

  • good taste;
  • ability for long-term storage;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • low content of starchy substances;
  • resistance to environmental factors;
  • undemanding to the composition of the soil;
  • resistance to many potato diseases.

flowering moment

The variety is considered a species resistant to potato tuber cancer pathogens, moderate immunity to late blight infection. It tolerates attacks of Colorado potato beetles well and has minimal damage. The disadvantage of the Sorcerer is the high risk of infection with the golden nematode. For the prevention and protection of plants from such a disease, planting of legumes and cereals is made.

The Wizard's tubers perfectly tolerate heat conditions and do not stop developing at the same time. The variety is capable of withstanding periods of prolonged rains when most crops begin to blacken and die. Resilience and resistance to stress are considered the virtues of the Sorcerer.

considered a species

Gardeners' reviews confirm the excellent taste of potatoes for table purposes. After peeling and boiling, the potatoes do not darken, do not stain the water and are crumbly, which is especially appreciated when making mashed potatoes and fried potatoes. Potatoes are not prone to void formation, so there are no problems when peeling and slicing.

Description of fruits

Potato tubers are massive, they are characterized by an oval shape and the presence of small eyes on the surface of the peel. Potatoes have a thin smooth skin of a light closer to creamy color. A distinctive feature of root crops is the density of the milky white pulp and the absence of darkening every second when cut. The average starch content ranges from 12 to 15%.

gardeners reviews

Characteristics of the variety:

  • have an average weight;
  • visually appear larger due to the elongated oval shape;
  • small eyes on the surface of the tubers;
  • light brown skin tone;
  • milky shade of pulp;
  • low starch content.

Description of the potato variety Sorcerer says that the average weight of one fruit varies from 75 to 120 grams. Some representatives of the variety are capable of reaching 150 grams. From one hectare, with proper agricultural technology, yields with correct agricultural technology can be obtained from 27 to 35 tons.

average weight

The advantage of the variety is its good storage capacity in cellars or conditions of large warehouses. The keeping quality index averages 96%.

The nuances of working with planting material

Potato variety Sorcerer is suitable for growing in almost all types of soil. The advantage of planting material is considered to be a low degree of response to the breaking off of sprouts and the absence of a tendency to form a huge number of "children". Before direct planting in the soil, they are treated with fungicides and stimulants.

shallow eyes

To obtain good planting material, a month before planting, the tubers are placed in a lighted warm room. The use of the following drugs helps to reduce the risk of infection with late blight and acutetoniosis:

  • Fitosporin-M.
  • Alirin-B.

To enhance the growth processes, the tubers are processed with Mivalom, with a dilution of the product in a proportion of 1 gram per 0.1 liter of water.

planting material

Features of planting and care

Tubers are planted in warm soil when the soil temperature reaches 10 degrees. The soil should be sufficiently loose and it is recommended to enrich the soil with fertilizers when forming rows. It is recommended to carry out local application of nutrients to planting holes or formed trenches.

The row spacing should be between 65 and 75 cm. The planting scheme has no specific differences and consists in observing distances of 60 by 35 cm. The tubers are deepened by 8–10 cm. When growing potatoes from previously germinated tubers, the first shoots appear in 12 or 15 days. In the case of planting seeds without preliminary treatment, the time increases and on average ranges from 18 to 24 days.

planting tubers

Care consists in timely weeding and loosening. Mandatory procedures include hilling potato bushes. With delayed work and untimely hilling on the surface of the soil, green fruits may appear. Such tubers from healthy plants are not recommended to be eaten, but they can be kept as seed material.

Growing recommendations

Thanks to the powerful root system, the plant is undemanding to care, does not need frequent watering and is able to provide a sufficient amount of nutrients from the soil, therefore, does not need frequent feeding. For the entire ripening period, it is enough to carry out from 3 to 4 waterings in case of insufficient natural moisture. Due to the spreading of the shoots and lush tops, the water does not evaporate and remains in the ground for a longer time.

timely weeding

To improve performance potato yield it is recommended to feed with nitrogen-containing preparations. To do this, fertilize one of the components for each square meter of plantings:

  • ammonium sulfate - 25 grams;
  • urea - 12 grams.

The first feeding of potato bushes with fertilizers is carried out during the first hilling of the tops. The second feeding is carried out at the stage of bud formation and the preparation must contain a large amount of potassium. One of the following products is recommended per square meter:

ammonium sulfate

  • potassium sulfate - 20 grams;
  • potassium magnesium - 60 grams.

The peak of root crop formation is observed from the beginning of mass flowering until the withering of the lower leaves of the tops. In connection with this feature, the harvesting of fruits is carried out after the death of the shoots. When tubers are in the soil for a long time, it is fraught with loss and a decrease in yield indicators. In this case, the storage properties of potatoes deteriorate.

After harvesting, the potato tubers must be given a certain time to dry. With warm sunny bottom weather such prices take several hours on average.

The degree of drying is determined visually and by contact. Potatoes should be stored in a dry place without signs of mold. Otherwise, the likelihood of spoilage and loss of tubers increases. The characteristics of the potato variety indicate that the yield loss during the winter period is no more than 4%.

the formation of root crops

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