Description and characteristics of the breed of chickens Shaver Brown, conditions of detention

According to the description of the Shaver Brown chicken breed, these birds have many advantages. These chickens are distinguished by high egg productivity. This is why poultry farmers appreciate them. In addition, birds are characterized by strong immunity, gain weight well, and easily adapt to external conditions. To succeed in raising birds, they need to provide proper nutrition and proper housing conditions.

Description and characteristics of the breed

The breed was developed in Holland by the Hendrix Genetics Company. As a result, we managed to get a hybrid of unpretentious chickens that belong to the egg direction. These birds adapt to any conditions. Therefore, they are often grown in poultry farms and small farms.

shaver brown chicken breed


Layers are very attractive in appearance. They are distinguished by their small size and dense feathers. Due to this, the birds look neat. The scallop of this breed is well developed. It is characterized by a leaf-like shape and a rich red hue. In females, the scallop hangs down a little, and in males it stands straight.

Earrings are large in size and rich in color. Characteristic features include rounded ends. The eyes are bright and expressive.

Cockerels are characterized by a proud posture. This is due to the bulging chest.

A feature of chickens is a large belly.

Performance characteristics

Before breeding chickens of this breed, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main productive characteristics.

shaver brown chicken breed

Number of eggs

Chickens reach an average weight at 52 weeks. They give eggs early enough - at 5 months. Chickens are characterized by high egg production. It is 400 eggs per year. They differ in weight 55-65 grams.

The eggs are small in size but have a very strong shell. They contain many useful elements.


This breed is characterized by rapid weight gain. At 18 weeks, birds reach 1.3 kilograms, at 23 weeks, the weight reaches 1.85. By week 52, the mass reaches 2 kilograms. Therefore, chickens are rarely raised for meat. Moreover, it does not have very good taste.

shaver brown chicken breed

Bird temperament

These are fairly calm and peaceful birds that do not come into conflict with other individuals. At the same time, the cockerels are distinguished by a restless disposition. They are curious enough and constantly try to take off.

Puberty and initiation of oviposition

Puberty occurs at 4-5 months. From this moment, egg-laying begins. At the beginning, the process is unstable. But after 2 weeks it gets better.

shaver brown chicken breed

Incubation instinct

Laying hens of this breed have retained their maternal instinct. They easily sit on clutches and take care of the offspring. However, this does not always happen.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to high egg production, birds have many other advantages. These include the following:

  • strong immunity and resistance to serious pathologies;
  • long period of laying - it reaches 80 weeks;
  • excellent performance;
  • resistance to frost and quick adaptation to changing climatic conditions;
  • unpretentiousness to care and nutrition;
  • excellent parameters of chick survival - 98%;
  • useful properties of eggs;
  • calm disposition;
  • savings on feed.

The only drawback is considered to be a poorly developed maternal instinct. However, this problem is typical only for certain individuals.

shaver brown chicken breed

Varieties of chickens by class

The Shaver breed is conventionally divided into 3 categories - White, Black and Brown. By the name, you can determine the shade of the feathers. It can be white, black, or brown. White feathers are characteristic of the White breed, Brown has light feathers on the wings and tail.

Subtleties of content

To achieve high productivity, it is necessary to provide the birds with adequate care.

shaver brown chicken breed

Poultry house

Chickens of this breed can be grown in cages or chicken coops. The housing does not require specific equipment. Birds are resistant to frost, therefore it is permissible to keep them even in an unheated room.

It is important to ensure that there are no drafts.

Keep the coop dry. It is recommended to place a layer of straw, hay or leaves on the floor. Be sure to provide good ventilation. The arrangement of the nests is of no small importance. They are made in ordinary boxes and lined with hay.

When arranging perches, it should be borne in mind that they should be of medium size. It is recommended to allocate at least 40 centimeters of space for 1 chicken.

Walking yard

Chickens of this breed love to fly. Therefore, when organizing a yard for walking, you should take care of a high fence. In addition, the site must meet the following criteria:

  • have a canopy that will provide protection from sunlight and precipitation;
  • there should be no foreign objects on the territory that can provoke injury to birds;
  • it is recommended to place grass or hay on the ground of the yard;
  • it is worth placing drinkers and feeders on the site.

shaver brown chicken breed

Molt and lay break

In the fall, most birds begin to molt. Plumage replacement leads to an increase in productivity and a strengthening of the immune system. New feathers help to survive frost. During the molting period, egg-laying ceases, since the body spends energy on the appearance of new feathers.

Cannibalism often occurs during this period. At the same time, the birds begin to peck at each other. To avoid such problems, the lighting in the poultry house is made dim, and the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals is introduced into the diet of birds. For this, meat and bone and fish meal are used. You can also add chopped charcoal to your food.


In order for chickens to produce enough eggs, they need to provide a correct and balanced diet.

shaver brown chicken breed


Adult birds need the use of compound feed, cereals and plant foods. In the morning, they should be given a mash, which includes cereals, fish and meat and bone meal. It is also worth adding a little salt, crushed shells and chalk to the feed.

Of no small importance is the inclusion of silage, beets, carrots in the diet.Fresh herbs should be an obligatory part of the diet. In winter, it is permissible to replace it with grass flour.

Birds need three meals a day. In the evening, it is better to give preference to wet food - greens or vegetables. The birds must have constant access to clean water.


In the first 2 days of life, chickens are given only a boiled egg, cereals and herbs. For 3 days, it is permissible to add cottage cheese and yogurt to the menu. To ensure normal digestion, place a container of sand. From the age of five they use special compound feed.

shaver brown chicken breed

Breeding chickens Shaver Brown

Before independent breeding of chickens, it should be borne in mind that when breeding in 1 generation, chicks partially lose the signs of cross. Subsequently, they disappear completely.

The main advantage of laying hens is the presence of a maternal instinct. Chickens hatch eggs beautifully and take care of chickens. This avoids the need for a brooder.

You can buy purebred chickens on farms or large poultry farms that breed hybrids. At the same time, it is permissible to acquire daily chicks or grown-up individuals.

Chickens of this breed can hardly stand the cold. Therefore, it is recommended to place them in a room with a temperature of at least +28 degrees. This regime should be followed for 2 weeks.

shaver brown chicken breed

Frequent illnesses

Chickens of this breed are distinguished by strong immunity. However, sometimes they face disease. The provoking factors are violations in care, parasite infestation, and contamination of the house. Also, the risk of developing diseases increases when birds are walked at temperatures below -10 degrees.

When symptoms of ailment appear, sick individuals should be immediately resettled and contact a veterinarian. The doctor should examine the infected bird and make a diagnosis. After that, the condition of the entire livestock is checked and therapy is selected. Sometimes even healthy birds are prescribed preventive treatment.

Shaver Brown is a common breed of chicken that has many advantages. High egg production is considered a key benefit. To achieve excellent results in the cultivation of birds, it is worth providing them with quality care.

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