
Most read entries in the heading
Summer residents usually determine the best days for planting cucumbers in the garden ...
What to do if someone eats cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse, how to protect
Before the new planting season begins, it's a good idea to talk about who ...
Today there are a large number of drugs that are used for ...
Why cucumber seedlings fall and wither, how to properly care for and water
Among the main reasons why cucumber seedlings wither, improper planting is considered ...

Cucumbers come in different varieties, in order to choose the right one, it is necessary to take into account the composition of the soil, growing conditions (open ground or greenhouse). But even if the cucumbers grow in fertile soil, additional feeding is necessary.

Frequent problems encountered by summer residents are the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves, a change in the shape of the fruit (thickening, twisting). Sometimes the crop disappoints with the bitter taste of the product.

To correct the situation, knowledge about what trace elements and fertilizers need to be applied at the stage of the appearance of the first leaves, the formation of ovaries and fruiting will help.

Which varieties of cucumbers are best suited for canning and pickling, names
Which varieties of cucumbers are best suited for canning and pickling, names
Many people are interested in which cucumbers are best for pickling, and the names of specific varieties. To choose the right one ...
Description of the best cucumber seeds and rating of the most productive varieties for 2020
Description of the best cucumber seeds and rating of the most productive varieties for 2020
Choose delicious cucumbers that will delight you with a good harvest and will not bring much trouble in growing, for ...
Is it necessary to soak the treated cucumber seeds before planting and is it possible
Is it necessary to soak the treated cucumber seeds before planting and is it possible
When pretreating cucumber seeds before planting, you can use various solutions. The procedure is effective ...
Prevention and treatment of fusarium and verticillary wilting of cucumbers
Prevention and treatment of fusarium and verticillary wilting of cucumbers
Sometimes you can see the fusarium wilting of cucumbers grown in greenhouse conditions and in open beds. Such ...
Why do cucumber leaves curl inward and what to do
Why do cucumber leaves curl inward and what to do
Curling of leaves in cucumbers can be caused both by a lack of nutrients in the soil, and ...
Description of the cucumber variety Garland f1, recommendations for growing and care
Description of the cucumber variety Garland f1, recommendations for growing and care
Cucumber Garland f1 is an early maturing, self-pollinating variety, characterized by vigorous growth and bouquet-like setting of ovaries. Appreciated ...
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