How to properly breed and feed ash cucumbers

Feeding cucumbers with ash is a very useful activity for obtaining a bountiful harvest. Ash fertilizer contains all the necessary mineral and organic substances that are so necessary for the growth of greenhouse seedlings. In addition, it is affordable and inexpensive. It is useful for every summer resident to know how to fertilize cucumbers with ash so that they grow strong and strong. You can procure it yourself from various materials. Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse or in the open field is not complete without feeding with ash.

The advantages of this fertilizer

Cucumbers are very moody plants. They always need fertile land that will be well fertilized. The main fertilizer for cucumbers is nitrogen along with organic and mineral substances. It is best to use natural fertilizers for these crops. They do not carry any harm, do not contain harmful chemicals, and are the cheapest and most practical for economical gardeners. Cucumbers love ash, since it contains all the necessary substances for their fruiting.

Ash for cucumbers is extremely useful, as it is a product of burning plant residues. It contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, calcium. All of these minerals have a beneficial effect on cucumbers. Their use is useful for the growth and development of the stem, foliage, and root system.

Many summer residents try to water the cucumbers with ashes, and this helps to get rid of fungal diseases, as well as many pests. You can water cucumbers with ashes at all stages of growth, from planting seedlings to fruiting. It is necessary to figure out how to use this fertilizer correctly so as not to make mistakes.

breed correctly

How to feed ash cucumbers correctly

Nowadays there are many methods on how to apply ash to cucumber bushes. You can apply it in different ways. Top dressing in the open field or in the greenhouse is also significantly different.

In a greenhouse, it is best to use dry ash fertilization of cucumbers. To do this, you need to scatter it around the bushes, and then water it well. That is, it is better to apply fertilizers before watering the plants.

ash right

If the cucumbers are grown outside of greenhouses, it is best to add fertilizers before the seedlings are planted.

Foliar dressing for cucumbers is an additional aid to plants that are vulnerable to environmental influences on a daily basis. Its application occurs during the entire growth of shrubs. For preparation, it is necessary to insist the ash in water for several days. Then the solution must be filtered and poured in large quantities under each bush. The ash treatment of cucumbers must be done in specific dosages. There are norms here.Since the excessive irrational use of natural fertilizers can lead to disastrous consequences.

how to feed

You can feed the cucumbers with ashes. The use of ash increases the yield on heavy loamy soils, facilitates mechanical treatment of soil layers, and allows plants to develop normally. The effectiveness of the ash application can be enhanced by adding humus, compost, peat or manure to fertilizers.

How is fertilizer used

Many summer residents are interested in how to properly breed and apply fertilizers from ash. There are two ways to feed cucumbers. wood ash applications: it is a dry fertilizer and liquid top dressing.

apply fertilizer

If we talk about dry dressing, then it is best to use fresh burnt material. It can be poured between bushes and then watered abundantly. It will be okay if fertilizer gets on the leaves. When planting seedlings, it is advisable to first distribute fertilizer over the ground, and then plant the bushes. The consumption rate is fifty grams of ash per square meter. After applying the ash, you can lightly sprinkle it with earth.

Wet dressing suggests that a special infusion is prepared from ash. You need to take a bucket of warm water, dilute 200 grams of ash in it. Let stand for about a week. Then water under each bush. The fertilizer is perfectly absorbed into the soil, penetrating to the roots, providing the necessary nutrition. Basically, this fertilizer is applied to open ground.

ash formation

Fertilizers are used at different periods of the life phase of plants: during flowering, when the ovary appears, during the ripening of fruits. Sometimes, even before planting, you can sprinkle ash on the soil. But it is worth remembering that during the period of adaptation, that is, getting used to a new place, you should not feed the bushes. This is another stress for them.

Too often and too much fertilization is not worth it. Everything should be in moderation. Three or four times a summer will be enough. Top dressing will be more successful in warm weather, after good watering. Ash must not be applied together with chemical nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Plant poisoning may occur.

watering at the root

It is important to know that its application differs from one plant to another. For example, burning wood will yield a calcium-rich fertilizer, while a mixture made from low shrubs or grasses is high in potassium. Correct application will enrich the soil for a long time.

How to harvest fertilizer

It is important for every gardener to know how to prepare fertilizer from ash, as well as how much and in what quantity it must be applied.

fire is burning

It is best used when it is obtained from natural materials: grass, straw, wood, twigs, twigs. Dry plants, grass, wood are burned, they are collected in special containers, and then the garden is treated with them.

If this is a tree, then it is desirable that it be free of poisons and paints. Often plastic bottles, bags and other garbage are added to the fire for burning. This cannot be done, since there will no longer be useful substances for cucumbers, they can even be poison for them. It contains heavy metals, dirt and salts. Mold and mildew boards also cannot be used to make fertilizer.

the coals are ready

You need to collect the fertilizer immediately, fresh, so that moisture does not have time to get on it. After all, wet ash does not bring any benefit to crops. It is collected, placed in clean, dry containers, and then placed in bags that keep moisture out. Everything should be tightly closed. Date and mix bags can be signed and stored in a cool dry place. Further, it can be diluted in water or herbal infusions, or used dry.

ash preparation

How to prepare a spray based on this substance

Spraying cucumbers is an important component of crop feeding.An infusion can be prepared from ash, which will help cucumbers grow better, as well as improve the condition of the soil, and protect against diseases. It is diluted in water, two tablespoons are taken per liter. The prepared solution is infused for eight days. Then spray the garden bed. You already know how to fertilize the bushes.

Decoctions are also prepared based on wood ash and herbs, which prevent the appearance of harmful insects. One summer resident once sprayed the garden with a mixture of ash and garlic, and the parasites did not appear on it again for a year. Ash masses go well with bitter and spicy herbs. Using ashes for cucumbers in the greenhouse often increases the yield of this crop.

preparing water

Wood ash is often used as a fertilizer for climbing plants, including cucumbers. A useful aerosol can be prepared from it. To prepare it, you need to take a bucket of water, 200 grams of ash. Before adding burnt material, the water is slightly warmed up. The infusion can be used daily in the morning and evening. You can use a little diluted infusion to heal damaged leaves or stems.

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to feed the cucumbers with ash will be positive. After all, this is the most harmless, easiest way to increase the yield of the cucumber family. Successful harvest in the garden!

green bucket

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