Description of the Vyatsky cucumber variety, its characteristics and yield

Cucumber Vyatsky is excellent for growing in a greenhouse, since the fruits of this parthenocarpic hybrid, bred in 2015, are tied without pollination. The cucumber safely tolerates sudden changes in temperature, a prolonged lack of moisture, and feels fine on infertile soil.

Features of the variety

In Russia, Vyatich cucumber is mainly grown in film greenhouses. It is impossible to collect the seeds of the hybrid; they are produced by a company from Turkey and sold in the markets of many countries. The characteristics of the non-pollinated variety of cucumbers interested both farmers and summer residents. Its advantages include:

  • excellent productivity;
  • undemanding care;
  • rapid maturation;
  • resistance to temperature extremes.

cucumber Vyatsky

Unlike others parthenocarpic varieties of cucumbers used not only in salads, but also suitable for salting for the winter. A hybrid of a female flowering type, tolerates drought, fruits ripen in two cycles. Vyatich is not afraid of cucumber diseases, namely:

  • olive spot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • root rot;
  • viral mosaic.

The first greenery is picked a month after the formation of the sprout. The Vyatsky hybrid bears fruit until the end of August in hot and cool weather. On the long lashes of the plant, knots are formed, in each of which one or even two ovaries are formed.

rapid maturation


Cucumber Vyatsky F1 is valued not only for its resistance to bad weather conditions and diseases, positive reviews indicate a high yield and excellent taste.

The hybrid Zelentsy are characterized by:

  • tender pulp;
  • lack of voids;
  • cylindrical;
  • the presence of tubercles on the surface.

tender pulp

Cucumbers do not taste bitter, do not turn yellow when overripe, stored for a long time, transported over long distances. Shiny and dense greens of the Vyatsky variety, 14 cm long, weigh from 110 to 130 g. More than 12 kg of fruits are harvested from one bush in the greenhouse, which have a pleasant taste and weak aroma.

Preparing for landing

The yield of any kind of cucumber depends primarily on the quality of the seed. To select the best specimens, the seeds from the bag are spread in a salt solution. Those that sink to the bottom warm up slightly, are treated with potassium permanganate and germinate.

the presence of tubercles

If the cucumbers are planted in the open field, it is better to dig up the soil and feed it in the fall. After hardening, the seeds are buried 3 cm into the ground, warmed up to 12 degrees. Planting scheme - 50 to 50. The holes are moistened with warm water. On top of the cucumber bed, you need to lay agrofibre or polyethylene film. Under such shelter, the hybrid bush will develop rapidly.

Vyatich cucumbers are grown in another way.First, the seedlings are prepared, and when 4 leaves appear, they are moved to the garden where cabbage, parsley, potatoes or beans grew. On one square meter, 2 cucumber seedlings should be placed.

feed from autumn

How to form a bush?

If you grow a Vyatich hybrid in a greenhouse, you need to leave one stem. When the cucumber will reach the trellis, it is wrapped around the rope several times. When 4 leaves and ovary appear, pinch the top. After that, the shoot formed in the bosom of one of them is removed, the rest are tied in a checkerboard pattern to the trellis.

After this procedure, the air more easily penetrates into the lower tier of the plant, the roots do not rot, the nutrients enter the upper part of the bush.

So that the lashes of non-pollinated cucumbers do not grow much, the pinching is performed every half a meter, the yellowed leaves are cut off from below, as well as shoots on which the fruits are no longer tied. All work on the formation of hybrid bushes should be done early in the morning.

one stem

Agricultural technology of cultivation

In order for non-pollinated cucumbers to please with high yield and taste, it is not enough to study the description of the methods of forming a bush and garters to a trellis, you need to properly care for them.

When growing a Vyatich hybrid, special attention is paid to:

non-pollinated variety

  • moisture;
  • loosening the soil;
  • airing the greenhouse;
  • fertilizer.

When the cucumbers begin to ripen, it is necessary to remove weeds, feed the soil. Watering with warm water should be no more than once every 3 days, Bushes of the Vyatich hybrid need more frequent moistening if the first flowers appear.

loosening the soil

During fruiting, cucumbers need potassium; it is advisable to apply complex fertilizers during this period every week. The growth of non-pollinated hybrids is delayed when the soil hardens. After watering the plant, the ground around the cucumbers is necessarily loosened, but so that the roots of the bush are not damaged.

During the growing season, the Vyatsky variety is fed once a decade. In a bucket of water, stir 1 liter of manure and a spoonful of carbamide, which contains up to 47% nitrogen, and water the plants.

The bushes of the non-pollinated hybrid Vyatich grow quickly, many tasty cucumbers are tied on them. Subject to the rules of agricultural technology, it is possible to collect from 1 sq. square meter up to 20 kg of fragrant fruits.

first flowers

  1. Sergei
    12.12.2019 18:32

    What cucumber is the article about?
    Did you start with the Vyatsky variety, ended with Vyatich? It's hard to remember the name😁

    To answer
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