While everyone else is dreaming, we are harvesting the perfect harvest!
On the pages of the site about the cottage and the garden, you can find a lot of useful information. Here is the personal experience of many gardeners, as well as specialists. Ideas for farming, advice on care, planting, new technologies for the construction of convenient structures, recipes for vegetable, fruit dishes and much more interesting and useful are offered.
We have collected a lot of useful information especially for you.
Vegetables and fruits
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Description of turkeys of the bronze breed and their cultivation at home
Description of turkeys of the bronze breed and their cultivation at home
Bronze turkeys are broilers. Their feature is a dark shiny plumage with a metallic sheen. Farmers ...
Why rabbits sometimes knock their hind legs and how to eliminate the causes
Why rabbits sometimes knock their hind legs and how to eliminate the causes
Behavioral reactions are the manifestation of activity by animals on the action of any environmental factors. To understand why ...
Drawings for creating a house for geese and ducks with your own hands, a pen plan
Drawings for creating a house for geese and ducks with your own hands, a pen plan
If you want to start keeping and breeding poultry, you need to take care of the construction and equipment ...
Rules for hatching goslings in an incubator at home and a temperature table
Rules for hatching goslings in an incubator at home and a temperature table
Breeding poultry in an incubator is difficult and troublesome. Without the appropriate knowledge and at least ...
Description and characteristics of Tambov gray geese and breed breeding
Description and characteristics of Tambov gray geese and breed breeding
The breed of Tambov gray geese is included in the group of meat breeds. Due to its high productivity, the breed is popular ...
How to keep geese as a pet in an apartment and difficulties
How to keep geese as a pet in an apartment and difficulties
The presence in the apartment of exotic or just strange animals that were never considered suitable for keeping ...
for gardeners and gardeners for 2020
The lunar planting calendar for 2020 will help
1000 and 1 variety of tomatoes
So different and so the same tomatoes
All the most famous varieties of tomatoes In alphabet order
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Good day! Thank you very much for your good feedback, we are always happy to help! If you have any questions, write, we always ...
[likebtn_dislikes identifier = "comment_3440"]
2020-08-09 12:47:49
Tatiana Anisimova, city of Blagoveshchensk:
Gorgeous tips, most importantly simple! Thanks you!...
[likebtn_dislikes identifier = "comment_3436"]
2020-08-09 07:47:23
Of course, if you have tested your proposed method in practice, it works. Only one caveat: you did not indicate in which ...
[likebtn_dislikes identifier = "comment_3434"]
2020-08-08 11:27:08
Good day! Thank you very much for your good feedback, we are always happy to help! If you have any questions, please write, we always ...
[likebtn_dislikes identifier = "comment_3431"]
2020-08-07 12:55:08
And I don't feed my garden with anything chemical and everything grows great ...
[likebtn_dislikes identifier = "comment_3429"]
2020-08-07 06:03:56
Thanks for the recipes. It was very useful since there are a lot of berries, there is little time, and you need a lot of time to catch up at the weekend at the dacha. Now ...
[likebtn_dislikes identifier = "comment_3428"]
2020-08-07 01:05:51
Digging in August. We plant part of the cloves of garlic in October of the same year. And so from year to year ...
[likebtn_dislikes identifier = "comment_3426"]
2020-08-06 20:16:10
Good day! Thank you very much for your good feedback, we are always happy to help! If you have any questions, please write, we always ...
[likebtn_dislikes identifier = "comment_3409"]
2020-08-03 14:36:23
Good day! Thank you very much for your good feedback, we are always happy to help! If you have any questions, please write, we always ...
[likebtn_dislikes identifier = "comment_3408"]
2020-08-03 14:36:12
Wonderful recipes. I will definitely cook. I especially liked the recipe for pineapple tangerine jam. I used to ...
[likebtn_dislikes identifier = "comment_3406"]
2020-08-02 18:48:23
Most commented records
Why cucumber seedlings fall and wither, how to properly care for and water
Why cucumber seedlings fall and wither, how to properly care for and water
Among the main reasons why cucumber seedlings wither, improper planting and care is considered, ...
How to properly dry winter garlic after digging up and where to store it?
How to properly dry winter garlic after digging up and where to store it?
Winter garlic: a finicky crop, the harvest is removed in July. Therefore, how to store winter ...
13 best recipes for making gooseberry blanks for the winter
13 best recipes for making gooseberry blanks for the winter
Delicious and healthy preparations are made from gooseberries. With proper heat treatment, some of the useful ...
Effective measures to combat currant glass than to process
Effective measures to combat currant glass than to process
If in the spring you began to notice that currants suddenly wither on healthy bushes ...
The reasons why garlic rots in the garden: what to do and how to deal with it?
The reasons why garlic rots in the garden: what to do and how to deal with it?
According to certain signs, the vegetable grower can find out why the garlic is rotting in the garden. It...
Description of the tomato variety Miracle Altai, features of cultivation and care
Description of the tomato variety Miracle Altai, features of cultivation and care
The Altai Miracle tomato was bred by specialists in the last years of the last century and ...
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On the pages of the site about the cottage and the garden, you can find a lot of useful information. Here is the personal experience of many gardeners, as well as specialists. Ideas for farming, advice on care, planting, new technologies for the construction of convenient structures, recipes for vegetable, fruit dishes and much more interesting and useful are offered.
Best ideas for a rich harvest

In the section about vegetables and fruits, material has been collected that will help you plant a crop correctly, take good care of it and collect a lot of harvest. Tips on dealing with weeds, diseases, pests will help you easily grow your favorite cultivated plant.

Here you can find an article on many topics of interest:

  • terms of processing vegetables, fruit trees, shrubs with fertilizers, as well as means from pests;
  • features of the use of fertilizers in gardening;
  • terms, rules for growing crops from seeds and seedlings in open ground;
  • correct work in garden plots;
  • the gardener's care of flower beds;
  • interesting information about common or rare garden shrubs, fruit trees;
  • garden work by months;
  • correct collection and storage of crops.

There is plenty of work in the country and in the garden, so there is always a question of interest. Having opened the section about gardening, you can find the answer and receive detailed information from well-known experts in this field or ordinary lovers of relaxation on your site.

Information about livestock

Among gardeners and summer residents there are always those who want to start breeding large or small agricultural livestock. The industry is widespread and useful for obtaining environmentally friendly livestock products. But so that the process of breeding cattle does not bring disappointment and difficulties, and the products are actually harmless and useful, you need to know the subtleties in this area.

In the livestock section, you can find the following useful information:

  • good nutrition with vitamins, microelements for various livestock;
  • professional care of animals, their maintenance;
  • common diseases among livestock, methods of treatment and prevention;
  • complete information about which animals are best to breed at home.

Much attention is paid to the problem of proper nutrition of animals and their maintenance, since this is the basis for healthy offspring and obtaining good, high-quality products (high-quality meat, large milk yield). But there are other problems that not only beginner breeders face. Answers can be found in this helpful, informative section.


