TOP 10 recipes for making eggplant salad Ten for the winter

A properly prepared "Ten" salad for the winter from eggplant will be a powerful vitamin reserve and, at the same time, a delicious dish. When a person hears about this name for the first time, he has a question, why exactly "Ten". This is due to the amount of ingredients required to prepare it.

Features and benefits of the dish

Before preparing and studying the recipe for "Ten" salad, you need to know about its following features:

  • it is better not to use stale or spoiled ingredients for salad. Since the dish must be closed for the winter, this will negatively affect the preservation and organoleptic qualities;
  • each of the vegetables used is not too expensive, so it is not worth saving;
  • first of all, in all recipes, for convenience, the amount of vegetables is indicated. But it is worth considering that not all of them can be the same in relation to each other. Therefore, it is better to focus on weight;
  • every housewife knows that eggplants contain solanine. It is not useful for humans, therefore, in order to partially get rid of it, it is best to soak the eggplant in salt water. If one liter of liquid is enough for this procedure, one teaspoon of salt should be placed here. After 1 hour, the vegetables are taken out and washed in plain tap water;
  • you can use blue ones for cooking only after they have dried well after soaking;
  • vinegar is also added to the salad, but in moderation. It will be needed to give the dish a delicate taste. But it is worth remembering that the ingredient can affect the reduction in shelf life. To avoid such problems, it is better to sterilize well the lids and jars in which the Ten salad will be closed.

If everything is done correctly and only fresh products are used for cooking, with the help of this dish a person will have the opportunity to keep their immunity in good shape, which will save him from unwanted diseases such as flu or pneumonia.

We prepare the main ingredients, calculate the proportions

At the time of buying the ingredients, you need to understand that you should not rely on their quantity, and based on this, try to calculate the proportions. If the recipe says that you need to take only 10 pieces for the salad, this does not mean that you can buy 10 blue and, for example, the same number of small tomatoes.

As a result, one ingredient will prevail over the others, which will negatively affect the overall taste of the dish.

In order not to get into such an unpleasant situation, it is recommended to rely on the weight of the products. As a result, the amount of purchased vegetables will be completely different, and the proportions of 10 to 10 will become irrelevant.

ripe eggplant

Before proceeding directly to cooking, it is worth taking a good look at all purchased vegetables and other components of the salad to get rid of spoiled or overripe ingredients. Further, the fruits should be washed well and, for convenience, spread around them.

Variants of cooking "Ten" from blue for the winter

In order to diversify the blue salad, you can add other ingredients to it that are not listed in the standard recipe. First of all, you need to rely on your taste preferences and do not forget that the added vegetables should go well with the rest. For such cases, several recipes have already been invented, taking into account the tastes of even the most capricious gourmets.

ten salad

The classic way

For a classic recipe, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 10 eggplants;
  • tomatoes;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 50 grams of salt;
  • 10 cloves of garlic;
  • 200 grams of vegetable oil;
  • 10 pieces of onions;
  • sweet peppers (10 pieces);
  • ground black pepper;
  • 9% table vinegar.

ripe eggplant

The cooking process for preservation is as follows:

  1. Rolling jars should be washed with soda and sterilized in the oven for 10 minutes. After they need to be dried.
  2. Now you can start washing the eggplant by cutting off the edges on both sides. It is not necessary to peel them, just cut them into large cubes and place them in salt water for 30 minutes.
  3. Next, you should wash the tomatoes, remove the stalks and then place them in boiling water. Blanch vegetables for no more than 2 minutes. Then they need to be taken out and sharply moved into cold water until they cool down.
  4. The tomato pulp is also cut into cubes. Next, you should wash the pepper, cut off the stem and remove all the seeds. Each of these fruits is cut into 4 pieces. The garlic cloves are passed through a press, the onions are peeled and finely chopped.
  5. After 30 minutes, the eggplants should be washed and dried well.
  6. In the container where the snack will be cooked, the oil is heated. After that you need to put the onion here and fry it for 7 minutes. Then you can add the pepper cut into 4 parts and fry it still for 5 minutes.
  7. After that, you can lay the tomatoes here, pepper and salt all the ingredients. At the same moment, sugar spills out, and the pan is closed with a lid.
  8. Stew the appetizer for about half an hour, stirring occasionally.
  9. At the next stage, you need to pour in the vinegar and place the squeezed garlic in a container with vegetables. In this state, the dish is stewed for another 10 minutes.
  10. When all these steps are completed, you can turn off the heat and start putting the salad in the jars. Some people start by making blanks to evenly distribute the snack across the containers.
  11. After the jars are closed, they are turned over, covered with a towel and left in this state for one day. After they can be removed to the basement.

a dozen eggplant for the winter

A spicy snack of blue

The method for preparing a spicy recipe is no different from the above. The only difference is in the ingredients. The following is used here:

  1. Capsicum hot peppers (100 grams).
  2. Ground black pepper (5 grams).
  3. Vegetable oil.
  4. Eggplant.
  5. Ground red pepper.
  6. Salt.
  7. Sugar.
  8. Bulgarian pepper.
  9. Carrot.
  10. Vinegar.
  11. Onions (10 pieces).

a dozen eggplant for the winter

The proportions should be observed the same as in the classic recipe. At the last stage, vegetables are stewed without vinegar, salt, sugar and oil. These ingredients are mixed separately and placed in a pot of vegetables for another 40 minutes. During this time, you can have time to prepare the jars by sterilizing them well together with the lids.

A simple recipe in banks

For the simplest salad "Ten" use the same ingredients as in the classic case, and the cooking process is as follows:

  • washing vegetables, peeling onions and cutting all ingredients into rings;
  • then you need a pan, on the bottom of which tomatoes, eggplants, onions and peppers are laid out. The layers are repeated until the vegetables are finished;
  • salt and sugar are added between the layers. Oil, vinegar and a little water are poured on top;
  • after the vegetables have boiled, they are stewed for about 25-30 minutes;
  • during this time, it is worthwhile to start preparing containers for seaming. For this, the cans must be sterilized along with the lids;
  • when the containers are closed, they should be checked for leaks. If such places are found, they are rolled up again;
  • then the jars are covered with towels and left until they cool completely. The next day, they can be removed in a cool place where the sun's rays do not reach.

a dozen eggplant for the winter

With carrots

To make a "Ten" salad with carrots, you can add 10 of them to one of the above recipes, but it is advisable to use medium-sized vegetables, since otherwise you can overdo it. Putting carrots in a saucepan for stewing is the same as the rest of the ingredients, cut into rings or cubes.

You don't have to adhere to any special cooking technology, the process looks exactly the same. So that the carrots do not spoil the dish, before buying, you need to make sure that the fruits are fresh and do not have any signs of damage. It is important that the ingredient is not soft and sluggish. The best solution for a salad is to use vegetables fresh from the garden.

a dozen eggplant for the winter

With the addition of pepper

If you need to add pepper to the salad, you should make sure that there is not too much of it. This is a bitter ingredient and should be careful as some of the vegetables used for rolling in the classic recipe can also produce a bitter taste.

If this is not taken into account, you can spoil the dish, after which it will only have to be thrown away. In this case, there is no special cooking technology - a person can add pepper in certain quantities at his discretion, depending on its variety.

a dozen eggplant for the winter

Storage rules

In order for the salad to be stored for as long as possible, it is worth using only fresh and not spoiled ingredients. You also need to adhere to all the rules of preparation, since if mistakes are made in the process, this can negatively affect the safety of the dish.

Wait until the jars of salad have cooled down completely before sending them to a cellar or other dark place. If everything is done correctly, the "Ten" will be stored as long as the rest of the conservation.

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