TOP 12 recipes for crispy cucumbers without sterilization in a monastery style for the winter

Preparing crispy cucumbers for the winter without sterilization in a monastery style is a unique dish that even a novice housewife can cook. There are various recipes including mustard, ketchup, and apple cider vinegar. But it is recommended to try extraordinary recipes, for example, according to the recipe of Pelageya Alexandrova-Ignatieva in 1889, or according to Ekaterina Avdeeva in 1851.

What is special about the monastery-style cucumber dish?

The monastery-style cucumber dish is an excellent delicacy that will surprise guests at the festive table. These are not the usual pickles that all housewives make.

Monastic recipes are distinguished by the fact that vegetables retain their crunchy properties completely. However, they are quite watery, saturated with seasonings and aromatic spices.

What side dishes are recommended to serve

Monastery cucumbers go well with any side dishes. But they are most delicious with fried or boiled potatoes, buckwheat or pearl barley.

Just like other pickled vegetables, they go well with meat and fish stews. They are served with steaks, aromatic cutlets and delicious meatballs.

Fried fish

We prepare the necessary ingredients

In order to get delicious monastery-style cucumbers, you need to properly prepare the main ingredient. Vegetables should be of excellent quality, medium ripeness. If you take unripe ones, then they will not be saturated with enough moisture, they will be very hard or dry. If overripe cucumbers are pickled, then they will not be crispy, but rather disintegrate when kept in a jar for a long time.

Fruits of medium size are suitable, without any defects, yellow spots, large seeds, etc. The vegetables are thoroughly washed, the water is allowed to drain in a colander.

cucumber warehouse

Popular recipes and cooking rules

Take one of the following recipes as an example.

Crispy cucumbers for the winter without sterilization in a monastery style

Initially, cucumbers were marinated in oak barrels, which resulted in an extraordinary and rich taste. In a city apartment, three-liter glass jars are used. But in this case, it is necessary to take certain herbs.For this recipe you will need:

  • 2-2.5 kilograms of young cucumbers with noticeable pimples;
  • 2 tablespoons per liter of water salt;
  • pure water.

Spices are taken in a variety of ways, but most of all are suitable for this recipe:

  • young garlic leaves and cloves;
  • oak, cherry and currant leaves;
  • fresh dill umbrellas;
  • mustard grains;
  • tarragon twigs;
  • black and white peppercorns.

crispy without sterilization

Of course, all these ingredients are easier to collect if you have your own vegetable garden. But those who live in an apartment should not be upset - the necessary ingredients can be found on the market with grandmothers.

Step-by-step cooking algorithm:

  • the cucumbers are washed, dried, the ends are cut off;
  • all greens, leaves and spices are thoroughly washed out;
  • put greens down, tamp fresh cucumbers on top of it;
  • wrap the top with horseradish leaves;
  • make brine and pour it into jars;
  • place each jar on a pallet in a dark and warm place.

Next comes the fermentation process - it takes up to four days. Its end can be seen by the strong turbidity of the water and the appearance of foam. After a day, the foam will settle, after which the brine is decanted.

Cucumbers are thoroughly washed with boiling water so that all white bloom is removed from them.

The cucumbers are put into jars, mustard and pepper are added, and poured with pre-strained and boiled brine. Quickly roll up in jars and leave in a dark place.

open can

With mustard

Delicious and crispy cucumbers with mustard are perfect for a festive table. They can also be added to salads, for example, in Olivier, to make their taste rich and extraordinary. You will need:

  • 2-2.5 kg of cucumbers;
  • 6 tablespoons of salt in a three-liter jar;
  • half a glass of 9 percent vinegar per liter of marinade;
  • settled water or spring water.

Spices are also needed. For this recipe, oak, currant leaves, as well as dill umbrellas, fresh parsley, horseradish leaves and root, mustard are optimal.

adding mustard

First, all ingredients are washed and dried. Leaves and horseradish roots are laid at the bottom of the cans (pre-cut into circles). The jar is tightly filled with cucumbers, while it is better to take the smallest specimens. It is covered with horseradish leaves.

A marinade is being prepared - water and salt are boiled, vinegar is added. Cucumbers are poured with a mixture, they are left for 35 minutes. After that, the brine is drained, brought to a boil again. If foam appears, then it must be removed.

At this time, mustard seeds are placed in the jar so that they are evenly distributed throughout the vessel. Banks are filled with boiling brine, quickly rolled up, turned over.

mustard product

Monastery-style sweet cucumbers with Maheev ketchup

This is a pretty unusual recipe. The cucumbers will turn out to be not only very crispy, but also beautiful, bright, with tomato flavor. You can take any ketchup, but the housewives recommend exactly "Maheev", as it shows excellent quality. You will need:

  • cucumbers;
  • onions - one head per jar;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon per liter of ox;
  • sugar - one tablespoon per liter of water;
  • vinegar - 4 tablespoons per liter;
  • ketchup - up to 6 tablespoons per liter.

First, thinly cut onion rings are placed on the bottom of the can. On it - chopped cucumbers (they are cut into circles up to 2 centimeters wide). Pour cold, settled water to the top, drain immediately and put on fire.

Salt, sugar, vinegar, and also ketchup are added to the water. The whole mixture is boiled for up to 5 minutes. The mixture is poured over cucumbers. Sterilization is mandatory - it takes 10 minutes. In this case, it is not necessary to wrap the cans after rolling. They just need to be left at room temperature in a dark place.

cucumbers with ketchup

With apple cider vinegar

Cucumbers with apple cider vinegar are quite delicate in taste and very crispy. For the recipe you will need:

  • small cucumbers with pimples;
  • red currant brushes;
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar and salt in a three-liter jar;
  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar per liter of marinade
  • water.

Any spices are taken, but most often they use currant and cherry leaves, dried clove buds, allspice black peppercorns.

First, the cucumbers are carefully prepared, the tips are cut off. Leaves and cloves with pepper are placed on the bottom of the container, it is filled with cucumbers up to the shoulders. Boiling water is poured into jars, after half an hour, it is drained and put on the fire along with salt, sugar and vinegar. All cucumbers are poured with boiling water. Sterilization is not necessary for this recipe, but the jars should be wrapped and left in a dark place.

three cans

With red currants in jars

The version with red currants in jars turns out to be very festive in appearance. It is necessary, in addition to the main ingredient:

  • 800 grams of red currant;
  • leaves of black currant, cherry;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • black pepper, garlic and cloves.

First, the marinade is prepared. For this, salt and sugar are boiled in a saucepan. Leaves and spices are placed on the bottom of the jar, cucumbers are loaded tightly. Boiling water is poured into the banks. Sterilization is required - at least ten minutes.

currant berries

Cooking cucumbers in simple pickle

It is necessary, in addition to cucumbers:

  • horseradish leaves, black currant, cherry;
  • tarragon branch;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 6 dill umbrellas;
  • pod of red pepper;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • pure water.

Horseradish, dill, tarragon, currants, cherries, peppers, garlic are loaded into banks. Poured with boiling water and salt.

Leave at room temperature for three days. As soon as the vegetables begin to sour, they are removed. The brine is drained and boiled. It is poured again, the cans are rolled up.

Crispy "Monastyrskie" from Father Hermogenes

The recipe from the priest does not contain vinegar. You will need:

  • 2 kg of cucumbers;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • young garlic;
  • horseradish leaves and dill.

The algorithm is quite simple: vegetables are loaded into jars (cut into halves vertically), filled with water. Leave for three days, then boil the brine, removing the foam, and again pour cucumbers with it.

crispy Monastic

Lightly salted monastery cucumbers

The recipe for lightly salted cucumbers is quite simple. You will need:

  • dill;
  • garlic;
  • salt.

Sprinkle the cucumbers with salt, press the garlic through a press. Strongly crumple with hands until juice appears. Put in the refrigerator - after 4 hours the aromatic snack is ready.

Effervescent Cucumber Recipe

Need to:

  • 4 kg of fresh small cucumbers;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 80 grams of salt;
  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • 400 ml 9% vinegar;
  • favorite seasonings.

Cucumbers are soaked in water for three hours. Leaves and garlic are laid out at the bottom of the jars. Pour in brine three times according to the standard recipe. The last time vinegar is poured into each jar (200 ml for a two-liter jar).

fizzy cucumbers

Old recipes

The monasteries still make old recipes that have an unforgettable taste. It is almost impossible to repeat these at home.

Pickling cucumbers according to the recipe of Pelageya Alexandrova-Ignatieva 1889

It is necessary, in addition to the main ingredient:

  • dill;
  • tarragon;
  • corvel;
  • chambord;
  • cherry leaves;
  • oak leaves;
  • horseradish;
  • garlic.

The peculiarity is that cucumbers are pickled in a vessel for three days under pressure. Then the brine is drained, boiled and again poured into jars.

pickling cucumbers

Pickling cucumbers in pumpkin recipe from Avdeeva Ekaterina Alekseevna 1851

The pumpkin is loaded with cucumbers with thyme, tarragon, marjoram. Placed in barrels, add a decoction of oak bark.

Kholyn cucumbers (recipe over 500 years old)

The peculiarity of the recipe is that salting takes place in an oak barrel and spring water. Then the barrel is lowered into a clean river, where it lies under the ice all winter. Cucumbers according to this recipe were obtained without gases, very crispy and tender.

barrel cooking

Duration of storage of workpieces

Monastery-style cucumbers are stored for up to two years. It is allowed to keep them in the refrigerator for up to two months.

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