Simple recipes for making cherry jam for the winter

Cherry, without exaggeration, is everyone's favorite. Housewives make many blanks from this berry. One of the first places is occupied by cherry jam. It's tasty and practical. It turns out a ready-made dessert for tea and a filling for aromatic pastries.

The specifics of making cherry confiture

  • A very important point is the separation of the bones. This should be done carefully, without deforming the berries. Special machines are now being sold for this. You can also use a good old hairpin or paper clip. Sometimes it can be difficult to extract the bones. It is better to choose those varieties of cherries from which it separates easily.
  • This procedure is started when the berries are thoroughly washed and dried. Otherwise, they will become watery and it will be difficult to make a thick jam.
  • Often in recipes, the weight of cherries is given already pitted. In this case, it must be borne in mind that they will take away from 7 to 10% of the weight of the purchased berries.
  • To quickly get the jam of the desired density, use gelatin or pectin.
  • It is best to cook jam in an enamel bowl.

Which cherry is better for jam?

The cherries must be fully ripe. The sweetest will be those berries that are harvested in clear weather, but the lack of sun makes them sour. Therefore, forest cherries are rarely used for dessert.

How to make thick cherry jam: best recipes

It is not difficult to prepare such a delicacy at home. Every housewife can make such blanks; it takes only a little patience and a desire to please your loved ones with a delicious delicacy.

a lot of cherries

A simple recipe for the winter

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 kg of pitted cherries;
  • 600 g granulated sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. The seeds should be removed from the berries and covered with sugar.
  2. Cover with breathable cloth and leave for 3 hours while they let the juice out.
  3. Mix everything well, boil and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. Be sure to remove the foam.
  4. When the jam becomes thick enough and homogeneous enough, you should put it in clean sterile jars and close the lids.

cherry jam

In a multicooker

To make jam, you need the following ingredients:

  • cherry - 2kg;
  • sugar - half of the weight of the cherry.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind completely peeled cherries with a blender (it is not necessary to make a homogeneous mass).
  2. Transfer the processed fruits to a slow cooker and bring to a boil. You can choose the mode yourself: "Baking" or "Steamer". The main thing is that the mass does not escape. Do not forget to remove the foam.
  3. Then evaporate the cherries at a temperature of 60-70 ˚C (about half an hour). Then add sugar. Pour in 300 g each, stirring immediately.
  4. Boil and cook for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

cherry jam

With bones

To make jam, you need the following ingredients:

  • 2 kg of berries;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 1 dessert spoon of vanilla.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the cherries, cover with sugar, leave for 3 hours.
  2. Then put on low heat, bring to a boil, add vanilla, cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. Cool and put in jars.

jar of jam



  • 1 liter jar of pitted berries (apply tightly);
  • 1 kg of sugar.

You need to make a treat in this way:

  1. Put the prepared fruits in a saucepan, add a glass of sugar and bring to a boil over low heat (so that the crystals are completely dissolved).
  2. Pour in the rest of the sugar and cook until thick.
  3. Pour into jars, cork.

jars of jam

With gelatin

Advice! Jam with gelatin will quickly acquire the desired consistency. You don't have to boil it down for a long time and worry that it will remain liquid.

To cook a treat, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 700 g cherries;
  • 300 g sugar;
  • 10 g of gelatin.

cherries in a bowl

Cooking process:

  1. Put the prepared cherries in an enamel container, add granulated sugar and mix.
  2. Let the berries stand for half an hour until they begin to produce enough juice.
  3. Grind everything with a hand blender. You will get a liquid puree. Pour gelatin into it and mix again. Leave on for 10 minutes. This time is enough for the gelatin to start working.
  4. Cook the resulting puree over low heat for the next 15-20 minutes from the moment of boiling.
  5. To prevent the jam from burning, you should constantly stir it. During cooking, the amount of cherry mass will decrease by about 2 times, and it will become noticeably thicker.

jam in a bowl

You can check the readiness of the product using the drop method. If the mass does not spread, close it in jars.

With pectin


  • berries - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 2 cups;
  • pectin - 10 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. Cherries must be washed, pitted, chopped with a blender or in a meat grinder.
  2. Pour processed fruits and half of the sugar into a saucepan, leave for a couple of hours.
  3. Put on low heat, cook for ten minutes.
  4. Mix the remaining sugar with pectin and pour into the berry composition being prepared.
  5. Cook for three minutes, stirring constantly, until sugar is completely dissolved.
  6. Remove from stove, pour into jars.

jam in a jar

Advice! It is not recommended to cook jam with pectin for a long time, otherwise the latter will lose its gelling properties.

With wine and rum

With rum


  • cherry pulp - 1kg + the same amount of sugar;
  • almonds - 80 g;
  • dark rum (about 2 tbsp. l.);
  • cinnamon (1/4 tsp);
  • 1 sachet of gelatin.

Cooking process:

  1. Bring the cherries to a puree state.
  2. Add zhelix with two tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and mix everything.
  3. Put the saucepan on the stove and boil, add the remaining sugar mixed with cinnamon.
  4. Cook for 10 minutes over low heat. Stir constantly.
  5. Pour in rum, make high heat and let the mixture boil for about 3-4 minutes. After that, the jam is ready.

jam in a saucepan

With wine


  • ½ kg of cherries per kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • 700 ml of good red wine;
  • cloves (4 pcs.);
  • lemon zest;
  • gelling agent (2 packs).

cherries in a bowl

Cooking process:

  1. Place the processed cherries in a saucepan and cover with sugar along with the gelling agent.
  2. Make a gauze bag for cloves with zest, and put them in a container with cherries.
  3. Pour in wine and leave overnight.
  4. Before cooking, remove the seasonings and cook the jam as described on the packaging for the gelling agent.
  5. At the end, you can add some rum for flavor.

jam in a jar

With currants


  • for 1 kg of cherries there is ½ kg of currants;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg and 800 g;
  • you will also need 150 ml of water.

Cooking process:

  1. Remove seeds from cherries and seeds from currants.
  2. Both types of berries must be grated through a sieve. Pour the currants with hot water (100-150 ml per kilogram of berries).Then boil until thick.
  3. Pour some water into the mashed cherry mass and add some of the sugar. Cook until tender, stirring often.
  4. Combine the cooked cherries with currants, mix with the remaining sugar and continue to cook until tender.
  5. When the berry mass is finally mixed and becomes as thick as needed, it can be laid out in clean, sterile containers under the lid.

cherry jam

With strawberry

Each jar will contain a pleasant surprise - whole strawberries.

Required Ingredients:

  • for 1 kg of cherries - only 300 g of strawberries;
  • 800 g sugar;
  • water - 70 ml;
  • 20 g of gelatin for thickness;
  • add a little cinnamon if desired.

cherries and strawberries

Cooking process:

  1. To preserve all the cherry juice, the berry is boiled together with the seeds in water.
  2. When the color of the liquid is similar to compote, the berries are removed and rubbed through a sieve.
  3. Boil the resulting homogeneous mass for 40 minutes.
  4. Add the whole fruits of pure strawberries to the cherries.
  5. Everything is cooked together for another 15 minutes.
  6. For this dessert, dissolve the gelatin in a small amount of liquid (only 6 dessert spoons are enough).
  7. When the jam is almost ready, turn the heat on high and add the gelatin.
  8. You don't need to boil anything. Immediately remove the dishes from the heat and pour the finished product into a pre-prepared container.

cherry jam

Advice! The bones should not be thrown away immediately. They can still be used. For example, boil the bones in water. Add the resulting broth when cooking jam. The taste will be very original.

With coriander


  • 800 g of cherry pulp and the same amount of sugar;
  • 10 g coriander seeds;
  • 40 g almond flakes;
  • 800 ml of water.

cherry jam

Cooking process:

  1. Fry coriander with almond flakes in a well-heated skillet (only 2 minutes).
  2. Take a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour water into it and add sugar.
  3. Boil the syrup. Put cherries in it. For those who like it to be sweeter, you need to add another 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  4. The cherries should boil for 2 minutes.
  5. Combine it with coriander and almonds and simmer over low heat for another 10 minutes.
  6. All is ready. Let the jam brew a little.

Storage features

Jam storage containers should be washed with baking soda. It is a natural disinfectant. Banks must be sterilized and closed with sealed lids.

You can store jam at room temperature, only in a dark place. Do not keep an open jar for more than 14 days. In winter, these delicious preparations will delight you and your loved ones!

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