TOP 10 recipes for how to simply salt mushrooms at home, hot and cold

Salted mushrooms are a common dish in Russia. No holiday is complete without such a delicacy. Despite the fact that now you can buy any blanks in the store, good housewives still prefer cooking with their own hands. To do this, it is important to know a few nuances: which options are best suited, how best to salt the mushrooms, and which method to choose for this.

What mushrooms are suitable for delicious pickling

Experienced mushroom pickers appreciate milk mushrooms and mushrooms. Their representatives are not often found in the wild forest, but salted they are the most delicious and aromatic.

Important! It is not recommended to eat mushrooms that grew near a busy road or highway. In structure, they all look like a sponge that absorbs dirt and harmful substances that remain after cars.

salt mushrooms

Can mushrooms be salted in plastic dishes?

Many are interested in whether it is possible to carry out salting in plastic dishes. The answer is unequivocal - no. Despite the convenience and availability, it is not worth using it. The reason is the interaction between plastic and brine.

If there is no other option, pay attention to the markings on the bottom of the container.

If cleaner components were used in the manufacture of a basin or bucket, you will see an image of a glass and a fork, or the letters PET, PETE. These designations indicate that the container is made of food grade plastic and can be used for food.

plastic dishes

Preparatory stage of salting

Before proceeding to salting, you need to prepare everything. At the first stage, the mushrooms are sorted by size and type, cleaned of dirt, cut and soaked.


Sort crops by type. Housewives claim that the most delicious mushrooms are obtained when several types are mixed. Perhaps this is so, but each individual sample requires a different heat treatment time.

salting stage


Clean the raw material from dirt. If there are damaged areas, cut them off. Dirt under the cap of the lamellar representatives is easiest to remove with a soft toothbrush.

cut them


If the caps are large, it is better to cut them in half. In order not to waste time, you can simply do it while cleaning.

cleaning time


Next comes soaking. The procedure is carried out only for those representatives that contain dangerous milky juice.It is important to stick to the timing that is different for different varieties.

milky juice

Salting mushrooms

There are many ways to pickle. Each hostess has her own, proven option. Let's take a look at the basic methods of harvesting mushrooms for the winter.

proven option

Fast salting

The quick salting method is suitable if you need a snack the next day. Then the varieties that are boiled are suitable: white, boletus, russula or champignons.

Boil them until tender, salt to taste, use spices, garlic and cover with a weak brine. Leave it in the fridge overnight in jars and eat it in the morning.

the next day

Hot way

The hot method is quite simple, and therefore many housewives love it. First you need to know exactly the weight of the dry components. The next step is to prepare the brine. Take a glass of water, 2 medium spoonfuls of salt with a small slide, 1 bay leaf, 3 allspice peas and the same number of cloves. It is ideal to add a pinch of dill seeds and a few currant leaves.

As soon as the liquid boils, dip the mushrooms in it.

Important! After 5 minutes, foam appears, which needs to be removed.

dry components

As for the cooking time, it may differ for different varieties. It should be approximately 15-25 minutes.

As soon as the raw material sinks to the bottom, the cooking must be stopped and cooled. Ideally, place food in a wide bowl.

Transfer the cooled mushrooms to clean and sterilized jars with a condition that they occupy 80% of the total volume, tamp well. Top up with the brine left over from cooking and roll up. It is better to store such blanks in a cool place.

wide bowl

In a cold way

Cold salting is a cooking method that does not contain heat treatment of food. As a container, you can use special barrels, a saucepan or glass jars.

Spices, currant leaves are placed on the bottom. Some housewives believe that additional aromas only interrupt the real smell, and do not use spicy herbs.

product processing

Next, raw mushrooms are placed in the container, caps down. Each ball is sprinkled with ordinary table salt at the rate of 40 grams per 1 kilogram of raw materials, and filled with cold boiled water. When the container is filled to the top, cover it with a cloth and set the oppression.

Important! Synthetic fabrics must not be used.

Put the pickles in the cold, and after a few weeks you can enjoy the finished product.

table salt

Dry salting

Place the mushrooms with their caps down, in the same way as in the previous method, sprinkle with salt. After a few hours, when they soften a little, set the oppression.

This recipe differs from the previous one in that everything is marinated in its own juice, without using water or brine. Salting time depends on the variety.

own juice

In a barrel

Mushrooms that have been salted in a barrel are considered the most fragrant. In order to prepare such a delicacy, you need to wash the barrel well, cover the bottom and top layer with plenty of salt, at the rate of 60 grams of salt per 1 kilogram of raw materials. Place the raw material tightly with the caps down and press down with pressure.

After three days, juice will appear, and the volumes will decrease. That's when you can add one more batch. Repeat the procedure until the barrel is full.

Pour with brine (60 grams of salt per 1 liter of water) and seal. Place the barrel in a cool place, in a cellar or basement.

one batch

No vinegar

Particularly popular is the recipe for harvesting without using vinegar.

Prepared mushrooms need to be boiled with the addition of salt and citric acid. It is important to collect the foam that will form during the cooking process. As soon as they go down, the gas can be turned off.

Divide them into clean jars and scrupulously sterilize in hot water for another hour and a half. After that, carefully seal the jars with lids and turn upside down until they cool completely.

using vinegar

Salting frozen mushrooms

There are times when there are no fresh mushrooms, but only frozen ones. Even from such raw materials, it is quite easy to make delicious saltiness.

Based on 3 kilograms of freezing, you will need 3 tablespoons of salt with a small slide, 6 teaspoons of sugar, 2 teaspoons of citric acid, bay leaf and cloves.

delicious salinity

Place the mushrooms in a saucepan and add only 1.5 cups of water. Turn on a small fire so that the liquid from the mushrooms comes out gradually. When the liquid covers the thick, add the rest of the ingredients and boil for another half hour. Leave to infuse for an hour.

After that, bring to a boil again and roll into previously prepared and scrupulously sterilized jars.

sterilized jars

Mushroom pickling recipes at home

It is important not only to choose the right pickling method, but also to pay attention to the type of mushroom that you want to cook. The fact is that each representative has its own distinctive features and properties.

at home


Milk mushrooms are quite common mushrooms that are most delicious when salted hot. By themselves, they are quite juicy and meaty.

According to the recipe, for 1 kilogram of mushrooms you will need:

  • 60 grams of salt;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • and the same number of sheets from a currant bush;
  • a few dill umbrellas.

black pepper

Boil the prepared milk mushrooms for 5 minutes. Remember to collect the foam. Next, take out the mushrooms and rinse them under cold running water.

Pour some salt and some spices into a sterilized container, then place the mushrooms and repeat the manipulations until the container is completely filled. Pour the mushroom broth that remained after cooking and seal.

boil the milk mushrooms


It is best to use the cold method for cooking mushrooms. It is without cooking and vinegar that this variety will be most delicious.

Salted mushrooms cooking is easy enough. Put raw mushrooms in a container, sprinkle with salt (2 tablespoons per 1 kg of saffron milk caps). Some recommend adding garlic or currant leaves. Put it under pressure, and after a week you can taste the dish.

cold way

Honey mushrooms

Honey mushrooms have a low calorie content, which is provoked by their difficult digestibility. That is why they must be boiled before use.

To salt mushrooms, you need to place them in a saucepan, add water, boil and immediately drain the boiling water. Pour cold water again and boil for 20 minutes.

Put the cooled mushrooms on the bottom of another container, shifting them with spices and salt. Put under oppression in a cold place, and after a week you can cork the jars for the winter or eat mushrooms.

low calorie

Oyster mushrooms

Cooking oyster mushrooms has its own characteristics. In order to salt 1 kilogram of raw materials, you will need 4 liters of water and 90 grams of salt for blanching. For brine, you need 400 grams of water, 2 tablespoons of salt, three peppercorns, bay leaves and currant leaves.

First, boil the oyster mushrooms for 7 minutes, discard in a colander, and prepare the brine. Put the mushrooms in sterilized jars, fill with brine, and in a week the dish is ready.

currant leaf


The cold method described above is best suited for the preparation of oil. When salted butter, you need to adhere to the following proportions: 10 kilograms of mushrooms, 600 grams of salt, allspice, dill.

described above

White mushrooms

The white mushroom is rightfully considered the best representative of its kind. It can be cooked in any way and it comes out very tasty. Let's consider the simplest option. Rinse the peeled porcini mushrooms, boil and discard in a colander.

Continuing salting, lay the raw materials in layers into the prepared container, sprinkling with salt. For 5 kilograms of mushrooms, you need a glass of salt, and under oppression. After 5-7 days, the dish is ready. Move the pickles to a colder place to keep them safe.

White mushrooms


It is very tasty to cook chanterelles dry without using brine. You will need 50 grams of salt per kilogram of mushrooms.Put the prepared raw materials in a saucepan, sprinkle with salt and garlic slices. Set the oppression on top and leave it there for a month.

kilogram of mushrooms


The goby, or Valui, is quite common in the country. His ambassador stipulates that the raw materials must be boiled in salted water for 10 minutes. Then the brine is drained, a new one is prepared, and the mushrooms are boiled for another 20 minutes, then the procedure is repeated again.

Next, put the mushrooms in jars, shifting with spices, and fill with mushroom brine, cork, and after 5 days the dish can be eaten.

mushroom pickle


Pigs are considered semi-poisonous mushrooms, therefore, before salting, they must be filled with water, and changed every 3 hours at least 5 times.

Boil the mushrooms for 5 minutes, drain the water, pour in clean and cook for another half hour. Drain the water again, add new water and cook for another 40 minutes. Place in a prepared container, sprinkle with salt, and send under oppression. After 45 days, the pigs are ready.

to fill with water


In the composition of the waves there is milk juice, which is why they can be dangerous to human life if improperly salted. For 10 kilograms of waves, 500 grams of salt and spices will be needed. Next, do everything as for standard cold salting. The mushrooms will be ready in 40 days.

human life


The barns should be soaked in cold water overnight. Boil for 20 minutes in salted water. For the brine, you will need 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of salt, 5 peppercorns, lavrushka leaves, currants, cherries, raspberries. Boil the mixture, boil for 20 minutes, remove from the stove and add 2 tablespoons of vinegar.

All that remains is to put the barns in jars, fill with brine and seal.

salted water

Storage of salted mushrooms

Salted mushrooms are stored in a cool, dark place, where the sun's rays do not fall. Optimum temperature: +3, +5 degrees. A cellar is ideal for this, it is only important to make sure that the banks with the blanks do not freeze.

Sun rays

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