Description and varieties of Golden Delicious apples, cultivation and care rules

It is difficult to meet a person who does not know the taste of Golden apples. Wonderful taste, juicy pulp, shelf life are only part of the advantages of the fruit crop. Due to its characteristics, the variety has become popular among breeders, whose work has obtained many subspecies, no less popular with gardeners. Before you start growing a tree in the garden, it will be useful to understand the peculiarities of growing, learn more about the subspecies, and familiarize yourself with the rules of care.

Description and characteristics of the Golden apple tree

The popularity of Golden apple trees is difficult to underestimate; in almost every garden there will certainly be at least one tree of this variety. Gardeners are attracted by the unpretentiousness of the culture, good fruiting, and the taste of fruits. Strength and endurance of plants are also among the advantages. Trees of the variety bear excellent fruit even in cool regions of the middle belt.

Dimensions of the tree

The height of Golden will certainly delight lovers of compact plants, the apple tree rarely grows above 3 m. It is recommended to carry out pruning, limiting the culture in growth, - this will allow you to get a lush tree. You also need to take into account the density of the crown - thinning will be needed.

Annual growth

Golden grows slowly, young trees add only 3-5 cm per year. Nothing depends on top dressing or proper care, nutrients will only provoke the growth of lateral shoots.

apples golden

The frequency of fruiting

After planting, the plant begins to bear fruit in 2-4 years, but only under conditions of proper care, a temperate climate. The graft differs in terms of fruiting, the first fruits can be removed in just a year.

For 10 years Golden has been actively presenting a generous harvest, although it happens that the culture takes a break (1-2 years), stocking up with new strength. The duration of fruiting of the variety is 25 years.

Tasting assessment

Golden captivates gardeners and apple lovers with its taste. The fruit combines pleasant sourness, sweetness, and caramel aroma. The pulp is juicy, very tender. The color of the fruit itself depends on the variety, but the flesh is usually creamy or pleasantly yellow.

apples golden

The benefits of apples

In terms of useful qualities, Golden is not at all different from their fellows.The fruits contain a high concentration of vitamins, minerals necessary for the human body. Taste and saturation with useful elements do not disappear even after prolonged storage.

Pros and cons of the variety

It is quite difficult to list the advantages of apples; there are not so few advantages over other varieties. Among them:

  • high yield (over 100 kg per adult tree);
  • undemanding;
  • endurance;
  • resistance to adverse climatic conditions;
  • taste qualities.

apples golden

There are also disadvantages - Golden is susceptible to diseases. You will have to carry out regular treatments for scab, rot, powdery mildew. Another disadvantage of the variety is that it does not tolerate frosts, you will need a cover.

How to choose seedlings when buying

When purchasing Golden or one of the clones, it is imperative to carefully examine the root system, shoots. They should not have dry spots, mold, rotting areas. It is advisable to purchase plants with open roots, this will allow you to find out all the shortcomings in a timely manner.

Planting rules for seedlings

Despite the unpretentiousness, when planting Golden apple trees, you will have to follow the basic rules. Otherwise, mistakes made will cause poor fruiting or its absence.

apple seedlings

Optimal timing

It is recommended to go to the garden in autumn or early spring. The only condition is that there must be no frost. Even minor temperature fluctuations are enough for the seedling to refuse to take root.

It is better not to risk it and do an interesting process in the spring - after the frost leaves, but before the leaves begin to bloom.

Seat selection

Choose a plot for Golden apple trees sunny, protected from wind and drafts. The recommended soil is light loam or sod. If groundwater passes near the surface, it is better to refuse planting, an excess of moisture will provoke diseases, root decay.

planting an apple tree

Site preparation and seedlings

Before planting, soak young plants for an hour in a clay mash, dry a little. When preparing the hole, add:

  • some clay;
  • mineral fertilizers;
  • rotted compost;
  • sheet soil.

Too heavy soil is not suitable for growing a crop; you will have to add river coarse sand.

Planting process and scheme

It is recommended to plant plants at a distance of 2-3 meters. The gap between the rows is small - up to 3 m.

apple pit

Remove seedlings with a closed root system from the container, lower them into a prepared hole, sprinkle with soil mixture. Plants with open roots after soaking in a clay mash do not differ in planting, leave the root collar 4-6 cm above the soil surface, water after sprinkling with soil, put a layer of mulch.

Tree care

It is not difficult to take care of the crop, then only if all the rules of agricultural technology are observed will it be possible to achieve high yields. The main requirements are watering, disease control, pruning.

Pruning and shaping the crown

Pruning is recommended annually. It is better to carry out the process in the spring, this will reveal dried or frozen shoots. During flowering, repeat pruning, remove excess buds. Leave 1-3 ovaries per inflorescence.

apple pruning

It is recommended to form a crown in the second year after planting - remove part of the main trunk, shorten the side shoots. Leave only 5-6 buds on each of them.It is forbidden to prune before frost - the plant can die.


Golden loves moisture, but cannot stand waterlogging. Frequent but not too abundant watering is recommended. Immediately after planting, add 10-12 liters of water under each plant.

Top dressing

Growing a variety on black soil will allow you to abandon fertilizing - the plant will receive everything it needs from the soil.If the soil is not too nutritious, use organic matter, cover the trunk circle with a thick layer of rotted manure in the fall. Melted water will allow nutrients to penetrate to the roots in spring.

apple fertilizer

Protection from cold and rodents

In cold regions, you will need a cover - straw, spruce branches, burlap. After snow falls, it is recommended to pour a high snowdrift around the tree, which is removed at the end of winter. Use special nets from rodents, build a temporary fence, and spread poisonous baits.

Diseases and pests

The lack of persistent immunity is the main reason for the defeat of the culture by diseases. We'll have to regularly carry out treatments for powdery mildew, all types of rot. Use Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate. Against pests, which also quite often occupy the tree, use insecticides. Irrigation should be carried out in cloudy cool weather.

apples golden

Variety subspecies

When planning to plant in the Golden Garden, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the main clones. Some of them are more hardy and cold-resistant, which makes it possible to grow the crop even in cold regions.


The Golden Delicious variety has a stable harvest, medium-early ripening. Excellent keeping quality of fruits - even in early May, the fruits remain firm and juicy. The fruits are large - more than 150 g, but only on condition of regular watering. Lack of moisture will affect keeping quality, after 2-3 months the fruit will dry out.

apples golden


Differs in increased frost resistance, grows well in cool regions. Apples are stored rather poorly, in favorable conditions only until mid-February. They are well transported, the fruits have a pronounced apple aroma, pleasant sweetness.


The main advantage is the timing of fruiting. The first fruits can be harvested in just 2 years after planting. Side branches rarely grow, so you don't have to spend a lot of time pruning.Keeping quality is poor - already in the middle of winter, decay of apples begins.

apples golden hornet


Due to its increased endurance, it is recommended for growing in the Yaroslavl and Leningrad regions. The apples are golden, with small dots. They ripen early, therefore, provided that the summer is short, they manage to give a full harvest. Fruit weight often exceeds 200 g.


According to its characteristics, it does not differ from other varieties, fruits have excellent keeping quality, almost until spring, juiciness, high taste. Fruiting occurs 3 years after sending annual seedlings to the ground. The variety is quite resistant to diseases, rarely affected by powdery mildew, but it is recommended to carry out preventive treatments.

apples golden


Grown in warm regions. Late flowering allows you not to worry about frost. Fruiting occurs in September, apples are not too large - up to 160 g. In cool conditions, they can easily last until spring.

Features of growing in the suburbs

For growing in the Moscow region, it is recommended to choose clones with increased frost resistance. Even this does not guarantee that the trees will survive the cold winter, so you cannot do without covers. Another requirement is to pay attention to watering. In a hot summer, bring at least a bucket under each adult plant. It is imperative to carry out loosening, allowing moisture to penetrate deep into the soil.

apples golden

Golden is a variety that gardeners have long loved. A distinctive feature of the culture is its high taste and shelf life. If you send fruits to a cool room right after harvesting, you can feast on healthy apples, rich in vitamins, until spring.

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