A simple step-by-step recipe for making melon jam for the winter

The variety of crops grown on the site allows the summer resident to make jam from everything that grows. Its benefits are undoubted, it is only important to properly prepare and store the product, so that later in winter you can drink tea with it or use it for pie fillings and dessert decorations.

Not all housewives make melon jam, but those who once tried to cook it never refuse it again. If you want to surprise your guests with an unusual treat, it's worth taking the time to cook.

Basic rules for making melon jam

To make delicious melon jam, follow the recipe instructions carefully. It is undesirable to neglect any points, this greatly affects the finished product. As a result, an unusual dessert is obtained, which is healthy, aromatic and tasty:

  • Melon for cooking is selected not overripe. Too soft structure of the fruit will cause it to boil during cooking. Pick a little greenish, or use the flesh of the melon, as close to the skin as possible.
  • The dish for cooking delicacies is chosen wide, aluminum or stainless steel. Preferably without surface damage.

melon on the table

  • Melon jam shouldn't burn. As is the case with all other types of dessert.
  • Undigested jam has a beautiful color and pleasant aroma.
  • To improve the taste, lemon juice or other ingredients that can diversify the taste are added to the melon. For example, citrus fruits, spices or vegetables.
  • This delicacy is prepared most often within a few days. So the pulp retains its structure and is saturated with syrup.

Cooking 2 of the same recipes at different times will not duplicate the flavor. It turns out differently every time. You need to be prepared for this. It does not depend on the patience and diligence of the housewife. Melon, which is the main ingredient, affects the taste. Its taste, aroma and maturity.

The less time the fruit is prepared, the more useful it will remain.

There is nothing difficult in making melon jam. Despite numerous negative remarks about him, it is still worth trying to cook. Perhaps this particular dessert will become a favorite treat for the whole family.

The benefits of melon jam

The diverse chemical composition made jam famous not only as a dessert for tea, but also as a product useful for the human body. In boiled melon, the amount of useful elements decreases slightly. But still, in terms of usefulness, this delicacy is equated to honey.

melon jam in a bowl

Melon jam contains:

  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin PP;
  • fiber;
  • organic acids;

  • pectins;
  • folic acid;
  • chlorine;
  • zinc;
  • sulfur;
  • fluorine;
  • iodine;
  • phosphorus;

melon jam on the table

  • sodium;
  • silicon;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • cobalt;
  • iron;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • amino acids.

The benefits of melon jam for the body are so wide that it is impossible to cover all the areas that this culture has a beneficial effect on.

The fruit contributes to:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • improving vision;
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • restoration of tissue;
  • improving hair structure;

melon jam in a jar

  • improving the condition of the dermis;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • relieving tension and irritability;
  • recommended as prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • has a diuretic effect and much more.

The beneficial effect on the human body is difficult to overestimate. Many should think about how to prepare melon jam for the winter solely for medicinal purposes.

The only negative is the high calorie content of the product and sweetness. Diabetics should use this culture with caution.

How to choose a melon for jam

The choice of fruits for cooking is carried out on several grounds. Firstly, it is recommended to purchase slightly greenish melons. Their structure is not destroyed during cooking. Also choose a specific variety of melon. Some housewives do not use the pulp itself, but the rind. They boil less and maintain the integrity of the structure.

It is important when choosing melons for jam based on the result, soft fruits are more suitable for mashed potatoes and jams. And if you use them for jam, you get porridge. The greenish fruit is cut with curly knives, so the finished dessert looks unusual and beautiful.

The ripeness of the fruit is determined by the stalk, soft is suitable for fresh consumption. Such a melon will be ripe, aromatic and tasty. The dense and slightly greenish stalk shows that the fruit is quite suitable for jam.

melon harvest

Do not ignore the smell coming from fresh melon, the stronger it smells, the more aromatic the jam will turn out.

If the fruit is large but light, it is best not to buy it. Most likely, he shriveled up. And when cooking it will not give the desired effect.

A simple recipe for the winter

In order for the melon jam to be stored for a long time, it should be boiled longer. But ready-made jam has the peculiarity of not spoiling even under high positive storage conditions.

the appearance of regular melon jam

The simplest recipe for making jam will be prepared even by a beginner in this business. First you need to prepare the melon for harvesting. To do this, remove the skin, seeds and cut the melon into pieces. For 1 kg of cooked cubes, add 500-600 g of sugar. The required amount of granulated sugar is calculated taking into account the sweetness of the fruit and according to individual preferences.

The prepared melon pulp and sugar are combined, allowed to stand, this is necessary in order for the liquid to appear. Then the workpiece is put on fire and allowed to boil. Remove and leave to cool completely. Thus, the sweet syrup permeates the chopped pulp.

canned melon jam

After that, put on low heat again, bring to a boil, boil for 5-10 minutes, roll up in jars. Consistency in cooking should not be neglected. If you follow these steps, you get a delicious, flavorful and healthy melon jam.

Pre-sterilize the banks.

Five-minute recipe

This recipe is designed to be consumed immediately; it is not suitable for long-term storage. The workpiece is called so because it is prepared very quickly.

melon jam in a jar


Melon preparation is carried out as follows: it is washed, then wiped dry. Cut into small cubes. Sugar is added at the rate of 1: 2.Lemon juice is squeezed there, half is enough. Bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes. and can be served at the table.

If you put jam in jars according to this recipe, then they should be stored no more than 3 months.

sliced ​​lemon

Melon jam with ginger

For piquancy, many housewives add various ingredients to the jam that enrich the taste and enhance the benefits of the preparation.

To make delicious jam according to this recipe, you will need melon, vanilla and sugar, orange, cinnamon, ginger.

Cut the fruit weighing 1.9 kg into cubes, put in a cooking pot, grate 55 g of ginger, add juice from 1 orange, add 150 g of sugar. Stir all ingredients, let stand for 2-3 hours.

grated ginger

When the melon is infused, add 1.5 liters of water and add another 1.150 kg of sugar. Put on fire and heat until the grains are completely dissolved. Continue simmering over low heat for 20 minutes, as much as possible.

Before cooking the jam, add 4 g of cinnamon and 2 g of vanilla. Arrange the dessert in prepared containers, cool, put away for storage. Making jam according to this recipe is not difficult, but the taste of the finished delicacy will amaze all households and guests at the table.

jam in a spoon

Melon jam in a slow cooker

If there is a multicooker in the house, they make a wonderful dessert from this fruit. Just add orange and sesame seeds to it. The finished delicacy is used as a pie filling, added to cereals and served with tea.

First of all, prepare the pulp of 1 orange, remove the skin and free it from white films. All the bitterness of citrus is concentrated in them, removing them, get rid of the bitter taste. The finished slices are cut into small pieces in an arbitrary way. Cut 700 g of melon pulp into small cubes.

melon cubes

The melon is placed in the first layer, the orange is in the second, 400 g of sugar is poured over all this. Pour in vanilla and 30 g of sesame seeds.

Set the mode in which the delicacy is prepared, the best option is stewing. Cooking time - an hour. Every 10 min. you need to stir the jam, after the end, put it in the prepared containers. Then covered with lids and wrapped in blankets. After complete cooling, they are removed for storage.

the process of cooking melons in a slow cooker

Melon jam in a bread maker

There are a great many options for making a healthy treat. One of these recipes is cooking dessert in a bread maker. To make this delicacy, you need to buy a melon, sugar and 1 packet of vanilla, quittin, citric acid.

Cut the main ingredient into thin small cubes, the weight of the workpiece should be 1 kg. Cover the melon with granulated sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. Mix thoroughly with sugar, leave at room temperature for 1 hour.

melon cubes

Drain the resulting melon mass into the shape of the oven, pour in boiled water 1 tbsp., Or make it honey. To do this, take 1/3 honey and 2/3 water. Add 3 g of citric acid there. Those who wish are replaced with lemon juice.

The final touch is the introduction of quittin, it will make the mass jelly-like. The jam mode is set on the oven for an hour. The finished dessert is laid out in jars, as it cools, it becomes thicker.


Melon jam with banana and lemon

In order to make the taste of the jam more varied, various fruits, citruses and others are added to the melon. The option of making a dessert with banana and lemon will appeal to many sweet tooths. Below is a step-by-step recipe for its preparation:

  • Step 1. The lemon must be cut into 2 parts, you need citrus juice and sliced ​​parts of the fruit.
  • Step 2. Wash the melon in cold water, peel and seed, cut into thin slices, the weight of the workpiece should be 700 g. Pour 500 g of granulated sugar into it and add 60 ml of water. Leave at room temperature for a few hours.

banana and lemon

A prerequisite for making any melon jam recipe is to give the fruit time to stand with the sugar. So more liquid will appear, the workpiece will acquire a beautiful golden hue when finished.Because of this, the delicacy was called "sunny jam".

  • Step 3. Pour in lemon juice squeezed from 1 half of citrus. Cook for half an hour. While the dessert is boiling down, stir constantly, as the jam burns.
  • Step 4. After the time has elapsed, add 2 sliced ​​bananas and slices of the second half of the lemon.

melon jam in a plate

  • Step 5. Boil the dessert over low heat until the bananas are soft. After that, the fire is increased and boiled to the desired thickness, since in this version of making the jam there is a large amount of liquid. Approximate time is 20-30 minutes.
  • Step 6. The finished delicacy is poured into sterilized cans, rolled up and removed until it cools completely under the covering material. The cooled containers are removed for storage.

The finished dessert is served for tea or used at your discretion.

melon jam appearance

Melon jam with grapefruit

Jam with this fruit is no less popular with housewives than all others. You will need 1 kg of melon, 750 g of granulated sugar, 1 grapefruit.

The pulp is cut into cubes, covered with sugar and left for 10-12 hours. After the time has passed, it is required to put on a small fire, bring to a boil, cook for 8 minutes.

chopped grapefruit

Then remove from heat and leave the workpiece for a day. Put on fire again and boil for 15 minutes. Turn off and leave for 7 hours.

Next, prepare the grapefruit, cut it into small pieces, add to the boiled melon. Leave on low heat, stirring constantly for 20 minutes. Further, the procedure is the same for all dessert recipes. Twist, put under the blanket until it cools.

jam with grapefruit and melon

Cinnamon recipe

Cinnamon in any form adds spice to the finished dish. Melon jam is no exception. This recipe uses ground spice. In addition, you need to purchase 2 lemons and a melon weighing at least 2.5-3 kg. Granulated sugar for this delicacy will be needed in the amount of 950 g.

Preparing the pulp is similar to other recipes. It is cut into cubes or slices, squeezed lemon juice and 0.3 kg of sugar are added. Give time to brew and let the juice flow.

ground cinnamon

In the meantime, you need to boil sugar syrup from the remains of granulated sugar and 1 liter of water. Pour the infused melon pulp with hot syrup. Mix well and put on low heat. Cook to the desired consistency. When the jam is ready, you need to remove it from the heat, add cinnamon. The finished delicacy is laid out in jars and stored in a room with a suitable temperature.

melon jam and pies

Melon and strawberry

The combination of these ingredients gives an amazing taste. Each housewife will be able to surprise guests with an unusual dessert for tea. For cooking, you will need 1 kg of the main ingredient, 0.6 kg of strawberries, honey, if desired, 200-300 g, water.

Cut the fruits into pieces, pour over honey syrup with water. Boil for half an hour, stirring constantly, and collect the foam. Pour the finished product into jars and let stand until cool. Then put it away for storage.

melon and strawberry

Melon jam with pear

An ordinary pear will help to diversify the taste of a sunny delicacy. To prepare it, you will need 1 kg of ripe fruits, melon pulp weighing 0.85 kg, 0.9 kg of sugar, half a liter of water, 25 pink peppercorns, 110 ml of grapefruit essence.

Pears need to be washed, wiped dry, core removed. Cut into slices with peel. Simultaneously boil the sugar syrup, after it becomes transparent, add the chopped pears to it.

jam with pear and melon

Bring to a boil, cook for 5-7 minutes, let cool and repeat all over again. And so a total of 3 times. In parallel, prepare the melon pulp, cut into arbitrary pieces. Add it to the syrup along with whole or chopped peppercorns. Repeat the same steps again as for the pear syrup. 2 minutes before ready to pour in the grapefruit essence. Arrange in banks, send for storage.

jar of jam

With apples

There are many options for making melon jam with the addition of these fruits, but there is the most popular one. It will need 1.5 kg of melon, 0.5 kg of granulated sugar, 1 lemon, 0.35 kg of apples. Their flesh should be firm enough.

First of all, lemon zest is prepared, an approximate amount of 1 tsp. for the entire volume of products used. It must be grated on a fine grater without touching the citrus pulp.

lemon zest

The melon is cut into arbitrary pieces and chopped in a meat grinder or blender. The apples are washed and removed from the core, the resulting pieces are cut into cubes no more than 3 cm in diameter.

Melon is mixed with sugar in a separate container. Bring to a boil over low heat. After boiling, the heat is reduced to minimum, stirring constantly. Then the mass is brought to a state of transparent ductility.

diced apples

The foam that forms on the surface must be removed.

Add apples with zest, after boiling, cook for 5 minutes. The finished delicacy is laid out in jars and removed until it cools under a blanket or warm blanket. Storage conditions are standard, they are no different.

apples in jam

Melon jam with watermelon peels

A good housewife never has too much. When a purchased watermelon turns out to be thick-skinned, it is used for the benefit of the family. The crusts are not thrown away, but an excellent delicacy is prepared from it, which will appeal to all sweet tooths.

Housewives advise leaving a little pink pulp on the crusts, this will give the finished dessert a beautiful look in the end result. For cooking, you need melon and watermelon peels of 0.5 kg, 0.4 kg of sugar and 0.6 liters of water. Water is added at will, the taste of the finished jam will not change from this. Cut off the skin from the peels, cut everything into cubes.

watermelon and peel

Housewives give advice to preserve shape during cooking. It takes 30 minutes. hold the chopped pulp in salted water, then 10 minutes. in boiling water.

Fill the workpiece with sugar or pour over the syrup cooked separately. Let stand for 10-12 hours, then cook. If you don't want to wait that long, the dessert is prepared as follows. Put the diced fruits on the fire, bring to a boil, cook for 5-10 minutes, remove. Let it stand for 3 hours, and everything is repeated again, and so on 4 times. At the end of cooking, put in jars, cool, put away for storage.

watermelon peels in water

Melon jam with orange

Citrus fruits, combined with the main ingredient, add health benefits and an unusual taste and appearance to the dessert. For cooking, you need 2-3 oranges, 1500 g of the pulp of the main ingredient, 700 mg of water and sugar in an amount of 2 kg.

The melon is cut into arbitrary pieces and 500 g of sugar is poured, mixed thoroughly and allowed to brew at room temperature for 3 hours.

sliced ​​orange

Meanwhile, a syrup is prepared from the remaining sugar and water. Allow to cool slightly, then pour into the melon blank. Cover with dense material and leave for a day.

The syrup must be drained, boiled and added to the melon again. Leave to infuse for 8-10 hours.

Chop the oranges with the zest. Connect with a real workpiece. Simmer until the consistency is thick. Arrange in jars, put away for storage.

jam in a bowl

Melon jam without sugar

This dessert is cooked with the addition of honey. The taste only gets better from this. You will need 1 kg of pulp, 0.5 kg of honey, 1 lemon and 3 g of vanilla.

Melon cut into arbitrary pieces is poured with honey, mixed well and left for 5 hours. Add lemon juice before boiling. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and leave to infuse for another 10 hours. Before you put the workpiece to cook a second time, pour out the vanilla. Boil for 10-15 minutes. Dessert is ready. If there is a desire to achieve a thicker consistency, it is necessary to repeat the infusion process again. After completion, lay out on previously prepared jars.

melon boiling process

Jam storage rules

In many ways, the result of the housewives' work depends on the correct storage of the blanks. If any conditions are violated, the jam disappears and all the work goes with it.

Correct roll-up is the basis for favorable preservation. They take small jars, sterilize them and always dry them. Do it naturally or in a warm oven. Covers must be intact, intact and evenly covered with a protective layer.

Acid-containing jams are best stored. As for consistency, thick jam is better than liquid jam.

The storage temperature for finished products is + 10 ... + 17 ⁰С. The sun's rays should not penetrate into the room.

If the cans are closed with paper lids, the room must be dry, otherwise the top layer of the blanks is moistened and the product becomes harmful to use.

Cans, which are rolled up with tin lids, are stored at high humidity and lower and higher temperatures. Only the lids are lubricated with petroleum jelly to prevent the oxidation process.

melon jam in a jar

You can not store jam at subzero temperatures. It can freeze over.

A suitable storage condition is a refrigerator. But some housewives make a lot of blanks, and they simply do not fit, since they take up all the free space.

It is possible to save a melon delicacy in an apartment, but only on condition that the air temperature does not rise above +20 ⁰С. The place in which the jars will be located is chosen dark and as cool as possible. Compliance with simple rules will lead to the fact that the entire crop will be saved. And the work of the housewife will not be in vain.

How much jam is stored

Made in accordance with all the rules and requirements, melon jam is stored for several years. The only exception is those berries that are harvested with seeds. It is necessary to strictly monitor the external condition of the covers. The slightest changes indicate that the product starts to deteriorate. Such jam cannot be stored for a long time.

Those types of blanks, the berries of which were rolled with seeds, require special attention. The toxicity that is released from them, at a certain point, reaches a level that is dangerous to the human body. Such blanks are stored for 6 months.

chopped melon

Rarely does a hostess take up the preparation of melon jam. But its taste and benefits are so appreciated that it is necessary to cook it. Difficulties should not arise, all recipes are painted in great detail. To prepare them, you need to strictly follow the instructions. And a sunny dessert will delight household members in the middle of deep winter.

  1. Alyona
    3.03.2019 18:18

    My mother and grandmother used to make this kind of jam. The taste was divine and the slices of melon crust were like gummies. Only added some orange peels for the smell. But the smell of melon did not interrupt, on the contrary, it added some zest. Now somehow not up to this jam. We do not always have time to process what is growing in the country ...

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