Rules for planting and caring for erigeron, description of popular varieties

Among the variety of flower cultures, some species occupy a special place. This applies to those flowers that adorn any flower beds and summer cottages, but at the same time do not impose increased requirements on the content. Erigeron or small-petal is called an extensive type of garden flowers, planting and caring for which even novice growers can master.

Description and features

The Astrovye family is one of the largest flower families. It includes a variety of species with common characteristics. Erigeron or small-petaled is a bright representative of the family. It is represented by perennial and annual plants with a developed root system and small, frequent petals in the flower.

North America is considered the birthplace of small petals, from where it was brought to Europe and Asian countries. A variety of hybrid varieties have been bred by selection, which are successfully cultivated in different climatic conditions.

Growing seedlings

The most common way of growing erigeron is a seedling method. It is planted in areas of open ground after the bush gets stronger.

Landing dates

Small petal seeds are sown in winter. February is suitable for sowing if planting on an open ground area is planned to be carried out in late spring.

April is suitable for greenhouse sowing of small petals. The seedlings will be strong enough for permanent planting in spring or early summer.

received seedlings

Selection and preparation of seed material

Small petal seeds for sowing are purchased in specialized departments of gardening shops or harvested independently in the fall. Small-petaled seeds are small, their germination is not stable, therefore, the seedling method of growing is considered the most suitable.

How to plant

Due to the peculiarity of small-petal seeds, large containers are purchased for planting. They are filled with prepared soil mixture.Then the seeds are spread over the surface, lightly sprinkled with sand or vermiculite on top. The seeds are not completely covered with soil, otherwise they may not sprout at all.

Temperature and light conditions

For the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to provide special conditions:

  • temperature - not lower than + 20 degrees;
  • daylight hours - at least 12 hours, fluorescent lamps are used for supplementary lighting.

light mode


Seedlings may be too frequent, so they dive after the appearance of 1-2 true leaves. For this, separate containers are purchased and filled with soil by two-thirds.


After the sprouts of the small petals get stronger, they are transferred to the veranda or glazed balcony. The air temperature should be reduced to +15 degrees. Small petals tolerate hardening well under the condition of constant supply of sunlight scattered light.


The first watering is carried out using a spray bottle. Until the emergence of full-fledged shoots, they moisten the upper part of the soil in this way. Then water the soil as it dries.

Top dressing

At the stage of growing seedlings, regular feeding is not carried out. Small petals will be satisfied with a single watering with potassium-phosphorus solutions during the budding period, as well as adding nitrogen at the stage of growing green mass.

plant food

In this case, the soil for sowing must be pre-fertilized with nutrients, this reserve is enough before planting in a permanent place of growth.

Landing in open ground

For seating, strong small-petal sprouts are chosen. Those that did not have enough time can be planted 1-1.5 weeks after the main seeding. Weak seedlings can remain on the territory of greenhouses for growing.

When to plant

Seedlings are planted in late May-early June. By this time, up to 4-5 leaves should have grown on the sprout. The soil should warm up to +15 degrees so that the roots of the seedlings quickly and easily adapt to new conditions.

Soil requirements

Erigerons do not have high soil requirements. They can grow on different soils, but they prefer slightly alkaline loose soils with a drainage layer.

loose soil

Landing scheme

Landing is carried out by transshipment. This means that from a separate container, the plant, along with a lump of earth, is moved into the prepared hole. About 25 centimeters are left between the bushes. As a rule, the bushes are planted in rows. Leave at least 20 centimeters between them.


After planting on the site, they adhere to the rules for caring for small petals. Erigeron needs stability.


Flowers do not need excessive watering. Constant waterlogging of the soil can lead to root rot.

Loosening and weeding

The soil around the small-petaled bushes is loosened after each rain. Also make sure that weeds do not spread around. They often carry diseases and parasitic insects.

weeding a plot


Many gardeners recommend mulching the soil around the bushes to prevent weeds from spreading. For this, cut grass is used. The mulch layer should not be too dense, so that the soil does not become damp and hardened.

Top dressing

Erigeron does not need feeding. They are carried out only at the budding stage to add additional potassium and phosphorus to the soil. An oversupply of fertilizer can lead to a change in the acidity of the soil, which negatively affects the development of the stems.

Diseases and pests

Small petals easily get sick with rot varieties. These fungal infections are caused by excessive moisture in the soil. First of all, the root rots, then wet spots begin to appear on the stems and leaves. To combat diseases and pests, the plant is sprayed with fungicides before and after flowering.


Pruning is necessary for culture throughout its entire existence.It is carried out with sharp garden shears at different stages.

tops trimming


Perennials are regularly pruned in the spring. Old and damaged shoots are cut at the root.

After flowering

To prolong the flowering period, faded inflorescences are regularly removed. Overgrown bushes are pruned in order to maintain the quality of flowering.

Collection and storage of seeds

After flowering, the stem of the small petal is tied with gauze. This helps harvest the seeds when they are fully ripe and begin to crumble.

Preparing for winter

Before wintering, the stems are cut, leaving about 2-3 centimeters above ground level. These bushes are covered with spruce branches or industrial material.

small-petal pruning

Advice! In order to prevent erigeron from freezing out, it is mulched with a layer of peat, and then covered with additional materials.


Breeders have bred a wide variety of small petals. The basis for this was the popular species that have similar external characteristics.


This is one of the main types of erigeron. The stem grows up to 70 centimeters, the diameter of the flowers reaches 5-7 centimeters. The color of the petals of this species ranges from purple to burgundy, the center of the flower is decorated with a yellow core.


This species is called daisy-leaved. The flowers are small in size and look like daisies. The bush grows up to 60 centimeters. The peculiarity of the species lies in the gradual change in the shade of the petals. The beginning of flowering is marked by staining white, then the petals turn pink, and by the end of the season they turn orange.


Erigeron of this species grows in the northwest of the Chinese provinces. The height of the bush reaches 40 centimeters. Small single orange flowers grow up to 30 millimeters in diameter.

orange view


One of the oldest species found in the mountainous regions of Asia and Europe. The bush reaches 30 centimeters, small purple-pink flowers have a yellow center.


Bushes grow up to 80 centimeters. The roots go deep into the soil. As a rule, this species has large overgrown bushes.


It is named so due to the fact that the stems are almost devoid of leaves. Platinum sheets surround only the base. Flowers are lavender, single.


A small bush stretches up to 8 centimeters. Single flowers adorn a thin, bright green stem.


The root system of this species is better developed than the aboveground one. The flowers are single, blue, with bright yellow centers.

stems are green


The species is similar to the representatives of the Alpine type. The difference between them lies in the shade of the petals. In the northern small-petal, they can take on pale blue and lilac-blue shades.


This species can be found in the tundra thickets. The stems can grow from 5 to 35 centimeters. The petals can be blue, blue, purple.


This plant is not grown as a decorative element. Small white flowers with a yellow center are inconspicuous from afar. The bush stretches out to only 20 centimeters.


The bushes reach 75 centimeters, small pale flowers bloom on them. According to gardeners, this species bears a resemblance to the wild buttercup.

acrid bushes

Popular varieties

Among small-petals, hybrid varieties are the most popular. Each of them has special features and is used in different ways in landscape design.

Rose of triumph

It is a terry variety with reed-type petals. The shades range from pink to deep red.


The petals of the variety have a dark purple hue. By type they are terry varieties.


The flowers look unusual due to their coloration. They are always light blue with a yellow center inside.

Azur Beauty

Lavender inflorescences are known for their resistance to wind. Bushes grow up to 70 centimeters. The green mass is actively developed on the stems.

Azur Beauty


Unusual variety.On one bush, baskets of pink and peach shades bloom at the same time. The tongues of both species are bright yellow.

Rote Shengayt

Red inflorescence baskets are classified as semi-double varieties. The bushes are small, up to 30-40 centimeters long.

Foerster's Laibling

The variety belongs to the terry varieties. The shade of the petals is pink.

Foersters Leibling


If there is an adult bush on the site, it is quite simple to breed any variety. In addition, there is always the opportunity to use the seed method.


In the spring, a suitable stalk is chosen on an adult small-petal. It is separated with a sharp instrument along with the heel and planted near the mother plant under a film. After the appearance of green leaves on the handle, it is transplanted to a permanent place of growth.


The seed method involves growing seedlings. Small petal seeds are very small, therefore, when sowing, they use the entire harvest harvested in autumn..

Dividing the bush

Overgrown adult bushes are propagated by division. To do this, part of the root system is dug up, carefully cut off. Then the mother plant is strengthened in the same place, and the cut is transplanted to another place. To adapt, the delenka needs only a few days, since the small-petaled plant easily tolerates planting.

flowering daisies

Features of growing at home

Cultivation at home is associated with constant control over the condition of the soil. Excessively moist soil threatens the development of fungal diseases of the root system. The plant is known for being easily adaptable to any conditions.

Benefit and danger

Erigeron is famous as a medicinal plant. The properties of petals and flowers are especially valuable when using decoctions and infusions. Small petals are taken to stabilize hematopoiesis and improve blood counts. Funds based on it help with rheumatism, arthritis, joint pain.

Warning! The flowers of the alpine small-petal are not used for infusions, since when exposed to auxiliary alcoholic elements, they release harmful substances.

medicinal stem

Use in landscape design

Small petal bushes are suitable for decorating the site:

  • it is made a space limiter;
  • planted as a curb element;
  • grown in alpine and multi-level flower beds.

Tall small-petaled bushes need additional support, since heavy inflorescence baskets pull thin stems to the ground. Low bushes look more impressive on the upper tiers of multi-level flower beds.

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