Description and characteristics of the Vodogray grape variety, pros and cons, cultivation

An excellent solution for gardeners with small areas. Vodogray is an unpretentious grape with positive characteristics. Among summer residents, it is famous for the fact that it gives a stable high yield and does not require special care.

Vodogray grape variety

To get to know the plant better, you need to study its description. This information will help you avoid mistakes when growing.

Historical reference

The variety was created by V.V. Zagorulko, a Ukrainian breeder who has bred more than one magnificent variety. When crossing, 2 varieties were used:

  • Kishmish;
  • Arcadia.

The result was the Vodogray variety, which inherited all the positive characteristics from its parents.

Bush structure

Shoots up to a year have a greenish tint, by autumn they turn brown. The leaves are small, dissected, five-lobed. The flowers are bisexual, the brushes are formed even on the stepchildren. The bushes are vigorous, the root system is powerful.

vodogray grapes

Pros and cons of the culture in question

The virtues of Vodogray grapes are enough to gain recognition among gardeners.


  • high, stable yield;
  • undemanding care;
  • excellent taste characteristics;
  • universality of application;
  • high immunity;
  • long shelf life;
  • the ability to carry transportation over long distances without losing the presentation.

vodogray grapes


  • medium frost resistance;
  • fruits may fall off the hands during transportation.

The Vodograi variety has more positive qualities than negative ones, therefore it becomes popular with gardeners.

Plant characteristics

When choosing a variety, the gardener looks for a description of the plant. The better the performance, the more likely it is that grapes will grow on the site.

vodogray grapes


The volume of the harvest depends on the hard work of the summer resident. Fulfillment of all the requirements and subtleties of cultivation leads to the receipt of the declared yield. The brush reaches 2 kg in size, respectively, the total yield per bush is 18-22 kg.

Common diseases and pests

The field health of Vodogray grapes is excellent. The variety resists:

  • mildew;
  • oidium.

vodogray grapes

To consolidate the results, preventive plant treatments are used in spring and autumn. Performing agricultural techniques will also protect the bushes from viruses and fungi.

Treatment with chemicals or folk remedies is recommended against pests.

Frost resistance

Vodograi is able to withstand temperature drops down to -20 ⁰С. When grown in northern regions, the vine needs to be covered for the winter. Gardeners practice sprinkling with soil.

vodogray grapes

Description of the bunch and berries

The shape of the brush is conical, loose, the average weight is 1.1 kg. The berry weighs 10 g. Skin tone is light pink or more intense if the bunch grew in the sun. The taste is excellent, the use of Vodogray grapes is universal. The fruits are used for conservation, they are consumed fresh.

Reproduction methods

There are several ways to self-propagate grapes. These include cuttings, seed propagation and grafting.Vodograi cuttings root well. The stock grows together with the scion without any problems.When propagating by cuttings, the planting material is prepared in the fall. And they are planted in the ground in spring in March. All this time, the cut cuttings are stored in a damp cloth in a basement room with a relatively stable temperature.

vodogray grapes

Vaccination is carried out in the summer. During the season, the rootstock grows together with the scion, and the plant prepares for winter. Reproduction by seeds is the longest process, since the gardener will wait for the first fruits after 5-6 years. The disadvantage of this method is that the parental genes are not preserved.

Planting seedlings

Correct planting is the guarantee that the future plant will grow strong and viable. Fulfilling simple requirements, even a beginner is able to grow Vodogray grapes on the site.

In the open field

Choose a sunny area, protected from drafts. Dig a planting hole, the size of which depends on the root system of the seedling. It should be wide and deep.

planting grapes

A drainage layer is laid out on the bottom, then filled with a fertile layer of earth mixed with humus and minerals. The seedling is planted in a hole, sprinkled with soil, watered abundantly with water, mulched.

Rooting process

For the plants to take root faster, the planting procedure must be strictly followed. Apply top dressing on time, do not let the seedlings dry out. If you follow these simple requirements, the rooting process will be quick and painless for plants.

We grow and care

After the seedling is accepted, it is necessary to properly care for it. Timely implementation of agricultural practices will help plants form a strong root system and a powerful aboveground part.

vodogray grapes

How to trim properly

It is recommended to unload the vines, because the extra shoots make the bush weaker. This is done in the fall, the fruiting shoots are cut off, leaving 8 eyes, no longer makes sense.

Irrigation and fertilization

Watering for Vodogray grapes, as well as for other varieties is necessary. Gardeners recommend that the plants do not dry out strictly. But waterlogging also threatens the death of the root system and the plant itself. At first, the seedlings are watered 1-2 times a week. The amount of water per plant is calculated by the gardener himself, since the climatic conditions for growing are different.

An adult plant is watered at least 4 times:

  • before flowering;
  • before ripening;
  • after harvest;
  • in preparation for winter.

vodogray grapes

The amount of water is also calculated taking into account the composition of the soil.

Disease and pest control

Be sure to carry out preventive work. It consists not only in spraying with fungicides, but also in performing agrotechnical techniques that are standard for any culture. These include:

  • timely moderate watering;
  • loosening and mulching;
  • weed removal;
  • pruning or shaping the crown;
  • feeding.

Properly planted seedlings are protected from the harmful effects of viruses and fungi.If it becomes necessary to process the vine in the summer, then they do it carefully, without using chemistry during the fruiting period and a month before it. Summer residents recommend using folk remedies, their effect is short-lived, but they are safe for human health.

How to shelter grapes for the winter

They do this in regions with cold winters, in those areas in which the temperature drops below -21 ⁰С in winter. For high-quality shelter, use special polyethylene or other material. Purchase it in specialized stores. In areas with risky farming, sprinkling with soil is practiced. Vodogray grapes show itself well in small areas. It doesn't require a lot of care. Gives an excellent harvest and is suitable for decorating gazebos and other buildings.

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