For which regions was the Alenushkino apple tree variety developed, description and characteristics

Gardeners often grow apple trees on their plots for fresh vegetables in the summer. Some of them prefer to grow Alenushkino apple trees, which are distinguished by high yields and juicy fruits. Before planting this variety, each gardener should familiarize himself in more detail with its description and features.

Breeding history

This variety was bred by breeders back in the 75th year of the last century. To obtain the plant, a method of mutational selection was used, in which cultivars such as Parmen and Jonathan were crossed.

bred variety

On the territory of Russia, they began to grow Alenushkino in the second half of the 90s, when the apple tree was added to the State Register. At first, it was planted for industrial purposes in the southern regions of the country. However, over time, gardeners began to grow trees in the central regions.

Today, apple trees are grown not only by industrial organizations, but also by ordinary gardeners who like to grow fruit on their own.

breeding history

Description of the variety Alenushkino

It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the description of the apple tree in advance to find out its main distinctive features.

The tree is classified as a medium-sized plant that grows up to 4-6 meters in height. The trunk and branches are covered with a strong gray bark with a brownish tint. From the trunk there are many branches that grow at an acute angle. Closer to the lower part, the angle of the tree branches gradually straightens.

distinctive features

Trees of apple varieties such as Alenushkino are covered with small, elongated leaves. Their surface is covered with a matte green plate.

Before the formation of fruits, flowers appear on the branches of apple trees. They are light colored with a faint creamy shade. The variety is distinguished by early flowering times, due to which it is possible to harvest a ripe crop early.

small sheets

Advantages and disadvantages

Like most other varieties of apple trees, this variety has advantages and disadvantages that should be familiarized with before growing. The pluses of Alenushkino include the following:

  • Early onset of fruiting. You can collect ripe apple fruits 2-3 years after planting young seedlings in the garden. In the future, the plant bears fruit annually.
  • High productivity. The variety is considered fruitful, since more than 15-20 kilograms of ripe apples are harvested per season.
  • Storage duration. The collected fruits of Alenushkino are suitable for transportation over long distances, since they do not spoil for about 30-40 days at room temperature.
  • Resistance to pathologies.The protective functions of the apple tree protect it from the attack of insects and fungal diseases.

Storage duration

The disadvantages of apples include a high degree of crop shedding due to strong wind gusts.

Productivity and fruit assessment

The fruits of the apple tree are considered large, since their weight is 150-200 grams. They are covered with a perfectly smooth skin, which is colored green. When ripe, a reddish tint appears on the surface of apples. In the orange funnel of the fruit, there is a thin 5-6 cm long stalk.

wind gusts

The advantages of the apple harvest include its taste. The peel and pulp are distinguished by a sweetish taste and a bright aroma. Even after long-term storage, apples do not lose their taste.

Alenushkino's yield is high, since gardeners manage to collect more than 15 kg of fruits from one tree. If the fruit is grown in greenhouse conditions, the yield increases by one and a half times.

Ripe fruits are often used in cooking to create fruit salads, compotes and jams. They are also used to prepare freshly squeezed apple juices and purees.


Winter hardiness and disease resistance

The main advantages of the apple tree include its protective functions, which protect the plant from temperature extremes and diseases.

Apple seedlings can cope with low temperatures, which is why gardeners plant them in the northern regions of the country.

However, if the temperature outside often drops below freezing, then it is better to grow trees in greenhouses. This will protect the root system of trees from freezing.

disease resistance

Distribution regions

Alenushkino can be grown in any region of the country. However, most often such apple trees are found in the southern and central regions, since these territories have favorable climatic conditions for the fruit.

central regions


Gardeners who do not know what kind of apples to plant should pay attention to Alenushkino. Thanks to this variety, you can harvest a delicious harvest every year, since the trees bear fruit well in almost any climatic conditions.

bear fruit well

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