TOP 16 recipes for salted tomatoes in jars in a cold way without vinegar

When thinking about rolling, many people immediately have a picture in front of their eyes with a kitchen littered with vegetables and cans. It seems that this kind of work takes an infinite amount of time. They just don't know about cold pickled tomatoes, sealed in a jar without vinegar added.

The principles of cold pickling tomatoes for the winter

Cold canning tomatoes has many benefits. There is no need to prepare tin lids, as cans are prepared for nylon. This shortens the process time. The cold method preserves more vitamins, unlike the way tomatoes and other vegetables are covered.

How to choose and prepare vegetables

Pickled tomatoes can be red, yellow, or green. The main thing is that they must be tough, so meaty varieties are preferred. Overripe and damaged fruits are excluded. Small to medium sized tomatoes are ideal.

Container preparation

For the cold method, jars, buckets and even pots are taken. Dishes can be wooden, glass, plastic and enamel. It must be clean and complete.

How to cold salt tomatoes

The cooking process is the same. The only difference between the recipes is the set of ingredients. Vegetables can be whole or shredded.

Cold salted tomatoes in a saucepan "Lick your fingers"

Salting tomatoes according to this recipe is very easy. The saucepan is filled with clean tomatoes. For piquancy, salt, peppercorns, bay leaves, garlic and dill are added.

a plate of vegetables

A simple brine is made from water, salt, sugar and vinegar. After complete stirring, the liquid is filtered to filter out large grains. Tomatoes are poured with brine, covered with a lid and taken out into a cold room.

In the bucket

The container is suitable for storing tomatoes in the cellar and basement. Salting is necessary according to the classic recipe. A standard set of ingredients is used.

In banks

Tomatoes are also salted in jars, with a straight line. The calculation of the ingredients is taken for each individual container. Cucumbers, a large amount of greenery and leaves of fruit trees are added if desired.

Like barrel

Tomatoes are ready to eat 10 days after pickling. Under the influence of salt, spices and spices acquire a piquant taste. For the brine, garlic, salt and sugar are taken.

vegetables in a barrel

Salting in barrels

The main component that contributes to the long-term storage of vegetables in containers is brine. The recipe is simple, it involves the use of tomatoes, herbs and salt. The barrel is tightly packed with tomatoes so that there is as little space between them as possible.

Garlic, herbs and black pepper are laid out between the layers of tomatoes. At the end, a brine prepared on the basis of water, salt, vinegar and sugar is poured into the barrel. The barrel is covered with a lid, on top of which the load is placed.

In a plastic bucket

Salting tomatoes in this way resembles the taste of tomatoes from a barrel. The principle is the same. The difference lies in the use of a different container - plastic buckets. Tomatoes are poured with water with the addition of salt, sugar and vinegar.

soaked in brine

With garlic

It is difficult to imagine salted tomatoes without garlic. If you don't add it, the taste will not be as expected. But too much can spoil the taste. The best option is 5 cloves per 3 liter can.

No vinegar

For the preparation of the brine, cooled boiled water is taken. Tomatoes are aromatic and piquant due to the high content of spices - cloves, garlic, pepper, basil and bay leaves. If desired, add greens in the form of parsley, dill and others.

With honey

Tomatoes are filled with brine, the taste of which is different from the usual. Honey, sea salt and lemon juice are added to the liquid. Dried basil and cilantro add spicy notes. Secret Trick for Tomato Pickle - Add 60ml Olive Oil.

With carrots

The capacity is laid with vegetables, which are arranged in layers. Tomatoes come first, then grated carrots and slices of garlic. Layers alternate until a jar or other container is filled to the top. Vegetables are poured with saline.

plate with treats

With mustard

The recipe can use mustard powder or grains. The ingredient is used at the end of cooking vegetables. A cork is made from mustard, which prevents the appearance of mold.

With grape leaves

Instead of the usual greens in the form of parsley, dill, horseradish leaves, grapes are used, or rather, leaves. Young leaf plates are washed and placed in a container with tomatoes. The brine is made on the basis of water, salt and the pulp of overripe tomatoes. It is imperative to put oppression so that the vegetables do not float.

With horseradish

One of the main ingredients needed for pickling tomatoes is horseradish. Large, rich green leaves give the vegetables their characteristic flavor. When cooking, you can use the root.

round balls


The bottom of the container is covered with herbs, spices - cinnamon and cloves. Then tomatoes are stacked, each layer of which is covered with sugar. When the container is almost full, vegetables are poured with tomato puree with added salt and sugar.

With horseradish, cherry and currant leaves

The classic recipe for cooking tomatoes in ancient times. The combination of horseradish leaves, currants and cherries makes the vegetables taste incredible. It is also recommended to add herbs and hot peppers during cooking.

Using green tomatoes

Not only red, but also green tomatoes are subject to salting. Due to their dense consistency, vegetables may not soak as they should. You need to think about this in advance. Fruits are pricked in some places with a fork. The brine gets inside and the tomatoes acquire the desired flavor.

green vegetables

How to store canned food properly

Pickles are kept cold if you plan to eat them for as long as possible. In the summer, it is a basement, cellar or refrigerator. The apartment owners may well use the balcony.

If the room is very warm, tomatoes quickly acidify and become tasteless. Cold-prepared vegetables do not spoil throughout the entire winter period.

They can be eaten a month after salting.

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