How often apple trees need to be watered in summer and during fruit ripening, frequency and frequency

Compliance with agrotechnical rules allows you to consistently get a high-quality crop. One of the agricultural techniques is watering trees. Understanding the question of how to water apple trees in summer, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the variety, the biological specifics of the culture, climatic conditions and other nuances. Violation of the watering rules leads to the death of plants and a decrease in yield.

Irrigation types

There are several ways to moisten the soil on which apple trees are grown. Most often, gardeners use surface treatment in furrows and ditches between rows. For surface watering, it is necessary to water the apple tree along the crown projection using a hose. On the ground, under the ends of the longest branches, it is enough to dig a small groove about 15 cm deep and fill it in portions with water until intensive absorption stops.

water the apple trees

Watering trees by sprinkling involves using a fan, impulsive, pistol, or other type of sprinkler. The garden device sprays the apple trees evenly and scattered in small jets. Proper sprinkler treatment requires soil moistening 60-80 cm deep. Insufficient moisture will only worsen the state of the crop, especially in drought conditions.

With subsoil irrigation, water flows directly to the roots with high pressure humidifiers. This method is especially useful in constant dry weather.

by sprinkling

Optimum temperature and composition of water for irrigation

Proper watering of apple trees allows you to use water from a well, borehole, or other natural sources. When treating trees with cold water from a well or stream, it is important to make sure that the temperature of the liquid is not close to the freezing point.

Ice water can damage developing roots and slow growth.

To grow healthy and large apples, the composition of the liquid must also be checked. The water must be free of harmful impurities and chemicals.

Optimum temperature

General recommendations for irrigation in summer

When processing trees in the summer, it is recommended to follow a number of general rules. In particular:

  1. When irrigating young seedlings less than one year old, it is necessary to use 2-3 buckets of settled water for each. For apple trees growing for more than 5 years, the amount of liquid should be doubled.
  2. In July, when the maximum temperatures for the season are observed, it is necessary to constantly check the moisture content of the soil and prevent drying out.
  3. The first watering is allowed before the onset of summer - immediately after planting in the spring.
  4. In hot weather, do not spray the surface of the leaves, as they can burn out due to exposure to sunlight.

irrigation in summer


Immediately after planting green seedlings, it is necessary to moisten the soil. For even watering, use a watering can or sprayer. If the planting is carried out before the onset of the summer period and there are frequent rains, then additional watering is not required, since the soil will be sufficiently moistened.

With the further growth of seedlings, watering should be done every 3-4 days, provided there is no rain. In case of dry weather, it is allowed to go beyond the norm and increase the number of sprays.

moisten the soil

Young trees

Novice gardeners are always faced with the question of how often and how to water growing fruit trees correctly. During the first year of development, a young apple tree is watered on average 4-5 times per season, each time using no more than 3 buckets of water. Over the next couple of years, the number of treatments should be reduced, while increasing the amount of liquid used, poured onto each tree.

Young and intensively growing trees are less sensitive to water shortages than old and fruiting ones.... With an insufficient amount of moisture, the ovary crumbles, and in mature apple trees the fruits fall off.

fruit trees

During flowering

After the beginning of flowering of apple trees in the summer, you should pay special attention to the nuances of watering. With frequent rains, additional watering should not be carried out, since excess moisture in the soil can lead to rotting of the root system and the subsequent death of trees. The need for moisture arises only when the weather is stable and dry and there is no moving water in the ground.

Insufficient moisture during the flowering period leads to the fact that there is a lack of nectar in the inflorescences. As a result, yields are reduced and the quality of ripening fruits deteriorates.

the nuances of watering

During fruiting

When the period of active fruiting begins, you need to know how much water is required for apple trees to obtain the greatest yield. The right amount of moisture and timely irrigation will also have a positive effect on the taste of apples. During fruiting, the size of the apples, their structure, juiciness of the pulp are formed.

In case of insufficient moisture during the period of active ripening and development of fruits, they will grow small and not juicy. The apple pulp will acquire a pronounced sour taste, and the appearance will differ from varieties with the correct characteristics.

fruiting time

How heat and drought affect watering

High temperatures and dry air in hot summers require adjustments to the watering schedule for apple trees. The introduction of water in small quantities will be ineffective, since the moisture will not reach the depth of the location of the bulk of the roots. In order for the root system to receive a sufficient amount of liquid, grooves should be dug around each tree in accordance with the crown projection and 20-25 buckets should be poured into them.

The soil must be moistened to a depth of 70 cm for proper root formation and development. After each watering, the soil should be loosened and covered with mulch. The next watering time depends on the ambient temperature and, on average, is carried out after 2-3 weeks.

heat affects

Major mistakes

When caring for apple trees in the summer, many gardeners make common mistakes. One of them is incorrect mulching, which is designed to retain moisture in the root system zone. A large amount of mulch creates an obstacle to the flow of liquid into the soil, which causes the roots to dry out.

It is important that the mulch does not come into contact with the apple tree trunk, as this can provoke the development of the disease and decay.

Also, often among gardeners there are classic mistakes associated with a lack or excess of moisture. Proper watering requires regular monitoring of soil conditions. By monitoring the degree of moisture, you can adjust the amount of water and create favorable conditions for the development of trees.

common mistakes

Another mistake is choosing the wrong time to water. It is recommended to process apple trees in the early morning or in the evening, 2-3 hours before the sun goes down. The choice of such time intervals is due to the fact that during the day most of the liquid evaporates due to exposure to sunlight, as a result of which the roots do not receive the required amount of moisture. Watering the apple trees at other times is allowed only if the weather is cloudy.

cloudy weather

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