Simple step-by-step recipes for making pickled apples whole and slices

Apples are one of the most beloved and numerous fruits in the world. They are very popular with housewives. These fruits are good not only fresh, but also preserved for the winter, in particular, pickled. Many people love the spicy taste of such fruits. It is a great addition to the table in winter. They perfectly complement the taste of poultry and meat. The fragrant fruits are good by themselves.

What are the features in the preparation of pickled apples?

pickled apples

Features of cooking pickled apples for the winter

This fruit, despite its apparent simplicity, still has some features that you need to be aware of:

  • you need to choose apples of a small size so that they easily pass into the neck of the glass jar;
  • you can pickle small fruits in jars whole;
  • for this method of harvesting, you need to select whole fruits without damage. They should be free of wormholes or stains. You can marinate large apples by cutting into slices;
  • the fruit should be firm.

Overripe fruits are not suitable for pickling.

step by step recipes

Product selection and preparation before starting the process

You need to wash the fruit thoroughly, then let it dry or wipe it off with a towel.

Ponytails can be removed or left as desired.

If it is supposed to pickle sour fruits, then more sugar is added to the marinade than to sweet ones.

start of the process

Pickled apple recipes at home

There are a lot of pickling methods. Next, let's talk about the most popular ones.

Simple recipe

Peeled and cut fruits are poured over with boiling water, placed in sterilized glassware and poured with hot, simple marinade. It is prepared very simply: for 2 liters of water, you should take two kilograms of these fruits and a pound of sugar. The cans are immediately sealed.

at home

Entirely in banks

They take small fruits, so-called paradise apples are also good.

The step-by-step recipe is as follows:

  1. Prepared fruits are pricked with a sharp skewer or knife.
  2. Prepared fruits, if cut, should preferably be immersed in water where 2-3 grams of citric acid are dissolved or in a weak salt solution.
  3. Next, whole fruits are dipped in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  4. Then they take it out, put it in prepared jars.
  5. The water in which the fruit was sterilized is used to prepare the marinade. To prepare it, for each liter of water, take an incomplete glass of sugar, 50 grams of salt, 150 g of vinegar, as well as spices to taste (cumin, cloves, cinnamon allspice).All these products are poured into hot water and stirred until they are dissolved.
  6. The resulting solution is poured into the fruits, the containers are closed with sterilized lids and sterilized. Liter cans - 15 minutes, 3-liter cans 35-40 minutes, after which they are rolled up.

fruit drop

With vinegar

In this case, more vinegar is added to the marinade than in the traditional recipe, approximately 200-250 grams. These apples will taste sharper than usual.

traditional recipe,

In Bulgarian

Many people remember the taste of vegetables and fruits pickled in Bulgarian. They were remembered by many for the taste "as before". The fruits marinated in this way have an incredibly pleasant taste.

For this method of canning, you need to do the following:

First, apples are blanched in boiling water for 4-5 minutes, then transferred to a prepared sterilized dish.

many tastes

The blanks are filled with boiling marinade. To prepare it, take:

  • 2 kg of fruit;
  • sugar 1 kg;
  • lemons 200 g;
  • apple juice 1 l;
  • add 50 grams of walnuts.

Lemons are cut into circles, apples - into large slices. Then the fruit is poured with juice. The mixture is heated on a stove and boiled for 4-5 minutes, then sugar is added.

cooking take

The resulting syrup is boiled for another 10 minutes, then citric acid and nut kernels are added. The cans are closed with boiled lids and rolled up.

Banks should be wrapped in a warm blanket or blanket and allowed to cool in this way for at least a day.

An additional advantage of this method is that it is done without additional sterilization.

additional sterilization


Apples pickled with the addition of cinnamon have a very unusual taste. In this case, the fruit should be pickled according to the traditional recipe, and the spice is added along with others directly to clean jars.

adding cinnamon

In currant juice

Such pickling is less known than other methods, but the taste of such apples is incredible and aromatic.

Currant is an additional preservative. Plus, it contains high amounts of vitamin C.

  • The apples are cut coarsely (can be cut into 4 pieces).
  • The berries of red or black currants are washed, poured with a small amount of hot water for steaming.
  • After 20 minutes, rub through a sieve, resulting in a thick juice. It is poured into the banks by half.
  • Next, I immerse the prepared fruits in containers so that the fruits are completely immersed in the juice. The containers are closed with lids, then sterilized (0.5 liter cans - 25 minutes, 1 liter - 35-40 minutes).

completely immersed

No sterilization with garlic

This appetizer goes well with strong drinks. Cooking such apples should be done step by step as follows:

  1. Peeled and well-chopped cloves of garlic are added to the jars where the apples are placed (on average, 4-5 cloves go to 2 kg).
  2. 1 bay leaf, 3-4 allspice peas are also added there.
  3. Sugar (5 tablespoons per liter), salt (2 tablespoons), vinegar (7 ml) are placed in cold water. Stir everything well and pour into a bowl with apples.
  4. In this form, they should stand at room temperature for 24 hours. The next day, the banks are exposed to cold. After 48 hours, apples can be eaten.

well crushed

With bell pepper

Apples go well not only with other fruits, but also with vegetables. Their combination with bell pepper is unusual, but very tasty.

Spices are placed directly in a jar or in a container with a marinade. It can be allspice, cumin.

For this pickling method, peppers of different colors are well suited. In this case, the appetizer will additionally acquire a very beautiful appearance.

It is better to marinate apples that do not have a bright color with pepper.

other fruits

For 1 kg of fruit you should take:

  • 1 kg of bell pepper;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar and one salt;
  • 1 teaspoon vinegar
  • allspice peas (4-5 pieces);
  • cloves (2-3 buds).

Apples and peppers are cut into large slices.

Salt and sugar are poured into boiling water, and vinegar is added at the end.

tablespoons of sugar

Spices are laid out at the bottom of the jar, then prepared vegetables and apples. Pour boiling water over, cover with lids and let stand in this form for 20-25 minutes. Then the water is drained, and the blanks are poured with a hot marinade.

Banks are covered with sterilized lids and rolled up. Additional sterilization is not required.

vegetables and apples

With lemon and calendula

In this case, the prepared fruits are laid out in a clean dry container, alternating apples with lemon wedges and calendula flowers. Then they prepare a syrup from water and sugar, cool it and pour the workpiece. Next, cover with gauze and put oppression. Apples should be pickled in the cold.

It should be remembered that the shelf life of such a blank is much shorter than that of those closed in jars. It should be used first.

dry container

With lingonberry and pear

For this method, you will need 1 kg of lingonberries, 0.5 kg of pears and apples. For the marinade, you should take the following products:

  1. Salt - half of one teaspoon.
  2. Sugar - 8 tablespoons.
  3. Vinegar - 250 g.
  4. Water - 600 ml.
  5. Spices to taste.

Fruits are put in prepared jars, layered with lingonberries. Then they are poured with boiling marinade, closed with sterile lids and screwed up.

such products

Further storage

In order for apples to bring joy in winter, it is necessary to observe not only the pickling conditions, but also to store the blanks correctly.

Canned apples should be kept cool. If pickled in a quick way and were placed under oppression, then you need to make sure that mold does not appear on the gauze. To do this, it, as well as the board under pressure, must be periodically removed and washed.

pickling conditions

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