What are feed additives for pig growth, the rules for selection and use

The inclusion of feed additives for pigs stimulates growth. With a balanced diet, good keeping conditions, up to 4% increases daily gain, increases feed intake by 0.2-1.4%, improves conversion (the ratio of the weight of consumed feed to the weight of finished products) to the established rate of 2.5-3.9% ...

What are the feed additives

In pig breeding, growth stimulants are included in the diet of animals for a rapid gain in live weight. Their purpose: activating protein synthesis, improving the absorption of nutrients, splitting complex substances into an easily digestible form.

Categories of growth stimulating feed additives for pigs:

  • enzymatic;
  • hormonal;
  • dietary supplements and vitamin supplements;
  • phosphatides;
  • antibiotics (feed);
  • probiotics.


Hormonal stimulants activate the pig endocrine system. Preparations (anabolic steroids) contain sex hormones, they are produced in the form of injections:

  • Nandrolone, Laurobolin, Retabolil are administered intramuscularly;
  • ampoules DES, Sinestrol are implanted under the skin in the area behind the ear, they dissolve within 6-9 months.

Hormone injections are given once every 2-3 weeks.

pig feeding


The purpose of enzymatic feed additives for pigs is to improve digestion, to activate the processes of digestion of feed in order to maximize the absorption of nutrient components. Enzyme extracts are produced from the guts of adult pigs. Use the liver, spleen, kidneys. The stimulant is injected under the skin in the form of a solution once every 10 days. The additive Nucleopeptide is popular among pig breeders.

The drug begins to be injected subcutaneously from the age of one month, and ends 10 days before slaughter.

Feed antibiotics

Antibiotics suppress the growth of pathogenic intestinal microflora, enhance immunity. The pigs' body does not spend energy on fighting infections, so there is an active set of muscle mass. According to statistics, taking the drugs Kormarin, Tetracycline, Vitamycin, Biovit-40, Kormogrizin gives a weight gain of up to 15-20%.

pig feeding


Phosphatides contain fatty acids, polyhydric alcohols, phosphoric acid, substances that improve protein metabolism, and the digestibility of nutrients. Phosphatides are obtained from vegetable oils by the extraction method, released in the form of a viscous, brown emulsion. When serving, it is diluted with water, added to the drinkers of the young.

Vitamin Supplements and Supplements

These groups of growth promoters are used by farmers, industrial enterprises, and owners of household subsidiary plots.The ingredients in the supplements promote rapid tissue formation. Dietary supplements increase the nutritional value of basic feed, improve their digestibility. On the market this type of supplements is presented:

  • premixes;
  • BMVD - protein-mineral vitamin supplements;
  • natural acids.

BMVD and premixes are not complete feeds. They are mixed into feed. The percentage of premixes in the diet is 1-5%, BMVD - 10-30%. Natural acids - succinic, glutamic, citric, also stimulate growth. They are given in the form of an aqueous solution with feed. The dose is calculated based on the weight of the animal.

pig feeding

Vitamin complexes are represented by tablets, powders, solutions for injections (intramuscular, subcutaneous). They are prescribed to animals if there are no BMVDs in the diet. There are useful elements in substances of organic and mineral origin.

PhosphorusAsh, meat and bone meal, bone meal
VitaminsFeed yeast, Azobacterin
CalciumFeed chalk, ash, meat and bone meal
SodiumTable salt


The preparations contain: microorganisms that have a good effect on the intestinal microflora, bacteriocins that contribute to the rapid adaptation of beneficial bacteria, metabolites - the waste products of beneficial microorganisms (microelements, vitamins, amino acids).

feed additives

Advantages and disadvantages of using

The introduction of growth stimulants into the diet has pros and cons. The advantages of feed additives include:

  • accelerated weight gain;
  • decrease in the proportion of fat;
  • increasing the taste of meat;
  • reducing maintenance costs by increasing the nutritional value of feed;
  • decrease in morbidity due to increased immunity;
  • decrease in mortality of young animals.

For the use of stimulants to bring the claimed effect, constant monitoring of the dosage is required. The rates and period of application of feed additives depend on the age and weight of the pigs. Failure to observe them can harm the health of animals. The peculiarities of using growth stimulants complicate care, take more time.

feed additives

Selection rules

There are a number of characteristics that are evaluated when choosing growth promoters. First of all, supplements should be economically beneficial and non-toxic. Second, when included in the diet, they should not:

  • cause side effects;
  • affect negatively the intestinal microflora;
  • promote the development of pathogenic microflora;
  • accumulate in the muscles and tissues of the intestine;
  • pollute the environment;
  • reduce the therapeutic effect of drugs.

Detailed information about the product (all components, date of manufacture, expiration date, requirements for storage conditions) must be on the package. The product must meet the requirements of GOST, have a certificate of conformity.

pig feeding

Features of using growth stimulants

Premixes are mixed into feed for piglets if pathologies of development, growth, rickets, dermatitis, abnormalities in the work of muscles or the nervous system are detected. The mixture provides animals with important vitamins:

  • C improves the functioning of the reproductive system.
  • B6, B12 relieve cramps, dermatitis, vitamin deficiencies, normalize metabolism.
  • A, E, D3 affect the development of bone, muscle tissue, growth, eliminate the symptoms of rickets.

When using growth stimulants, fattening pigs gain weight quickly. Vitamins are needed in the feed. They strengthen the skeleton, the load on which increases with the growth of muscle mass.

Introducing several types of additives into the diet, take into account their compatibility. Incorrectly selected combinations of stimulants (feed antibiotics, premixes, vitamins) can provoke allergies and diarrhea. The dosage of all drugs is calculated depending on age, weight, breed.

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