5 step-by-step recipes for making pear jam with cinnamon, lemon and cloves for the winter

A great way to prepare pears is to make jam out of them, and with the addition of cinnamon, the treat will become spicy. The sweet fruit remains one of our favorites. Therefore, each housewife should have a batch of fragrant dessert prepared.

The subtleties of making pear jam with cinnamon for the winter

Experienced housewives share the secrets of making dessert. Following some rules will allow you to get the perfect jam:

  1. With the addition of different berries, fruits and spices, you can create your own variations of the dessert.
  2. During cooking, they do not leave the container, since the mass can burn to the walls. This will spoil the taste of the jam.
  3. If the pears have a thick and rough skin, it must be removed. Otherwise, the taste of the dessert will be spoiled.

When cooking jam according to the selected recipe, you must be careful with respect to the sweetness. The amount of sugar is reduced if the pear variety is very sweet. Moreover, the portion is divided in half.

Features of the choice of ingredients

If a person has the opportunity to pick fruits growing in their own garden, this is done on a sunny day. Thanks to this trick, the fruits give flavor to the dish. Jam pears must be of the same ripeness. Thus, the jam will turn out to be homogeneous, without hard pieces.

pear jam

Preparation of containers

When cooking jam, you must have a standard set of kitchen utensils - a cooking pot, a wooden stirring stick, lids and jars. The last two are sterilized over hot steam.

How to make cinnamon pear jam

This spice was chosen for the dessert for a reason. Cinnamon is the perfect pairing with pear, turning ordinary jam into a delicious dessert. The cooking process does not take long, and the result is a gorgeous treat.

cinnamon jam

Classic recipe

According to this recipe, even grandmothers made jam. Ingredients:

  • pears - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • cinnamon to taste.


  1. The washed fruits are cut into cubes and put in a saucepan. The fruit layer alternates with sugar.
  2. The container is placed on a slow fire. The mass is stirred until the grains are completely dissolved. The foam that forms on the surface is removed.
  3. The sweet mass is cooked until the pear becomes soft and transparent.

The jam is poured into jars and immediately rolled up.

pear jam

With lemon

For 1 kg of pears, take:

  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • cinnamon powder - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Cooking process:

  1. Diced pears sprinkled with sugar. For 12 hours of infusion, they will let out enough juice, which indicates that the mass is ready for cooking.
  2. Before turning on the stove, cinnamon is added to the fruits.
  3. Jam is brewed in three passes.
  4. At the end, lemon is added to preserve the maximum of nutrients.

The sour fruit can be used in any form. It can be minced or cut into small cubes. Acceptable use of lemon juice.

pears with lemon

With vanilla and lemon

Jam is prepared according to this recipe in an unusual way. The pears are cut into pieces. Syrup is made from sugar, water, cinnamon sticks, lemon juice and brandy. The sweet liquid is added to the fruit and sent to the fire.

The jam is boiled in three passes. The mass boils, after which it is cooked for 5 minutes, removed from the heat and cooled. This is repeated twice more. At the end it is poured into sterile jars. And after complete cooling, the container is taken to the cellar for storage.

With oranges

For dessert, pears and syrup are prepared separately. The fruit is cut into slices or cubes. The peel is removed from the orange. The pulp is cut into slices and added to the pears.

Orange skins are boiled in water. After 5 minutes of cooking, they are removed and granulated sugar is added. The syrup is ready when the crystals are completely dissolved.

pear confiture

The sweet liquid is mixed with chopped fruit and the mixture is boiled. As a result, the jam should be boiled until the fruit pieces are transparent. The hot mass is not removed from the fire, but is gradually poured into the banks.

With cloves

The recipe is no different from the classic, except for the addition of cloves. The spice is added at the end of the boil so that the aroma is pronounced. Cloves are used whole or chopped. The latter fact depends on the taste preferences of the hostess.

jam with cloves

How and how long can the workpieces be stored?

The room where the workpieces are located should not be warm and humid. Dry air and darkness are the best storage conditions. If the jam is prepared according to all the rules and is poured into sterile jars, it remains suitable for 2-3 years. A treat with additives costs no more than a year.

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