8 simple and delicious recipes for forest strawberry jam for the winter

Wild strawberries are familiar to many from childhood. It has a strong fragrant aroma and really amazing taste, as well as medicinal properties, plus it is a storehouse of vitamins. Therefore, it is no secret that jam made from small-fruited forest strawberries is very popular. But for proper preparation, you must strictly adhere to the recipe.

Features of making forest strawberry jam for the winter

Some housewives prepare strawberry jam from wild, forest strawberries at short intervals of 5 minutes. In this case, the berries retain their shape well and do not boil over.

The addition of citric acid extends the shelf life of the jam, reduces the likelihood of sugaring and makes the color more vibrant.

The main difficulty in cooking lies in the initial stage - the search and collection of berries in the forest in the right amount.

Selection of berries

They should be well-ripened, deep red or crimson, not rotten or dry. It is desirable that the strawberries are firm, then it will look more spectacular in a jar. But soft, slightly overripe fruits will do, but then they, of course, will boil.

wild berry

Container preparation

Jam jars must be well washed and sterilized. Use a microwave, steam or oven roasting, placing them moist and roasting until dry.

How to make wild strawberry jam at home?

Making jam from fragrant wild strawberries at home is not particularly difficult, the main thing is to strictly follow the recipe.

Classic recipe

The simplest, but at the same time favorite and delicious cooking option is the classic recipe. You can make jam on it using only three ingredients, but you need to be patient.

making jam


  • wild strawberries - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 1 kilogram;
  • a glass of water - 250 milliliters;


  1. At the initial stage, strawberries are sorted out, poured into a bowl, basin or saucepan and covered with sugar. Leave at room temperature until the berries let the juice abundantly.
  2. Then the pan is placed on the stove, a glass of water is poured into the berries, brought to a boil and cooked over low heat, stirring regularly, until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. After the sugar dissolves, the fire is made larger and boiled for another 15 minutes.
  4. At the end of cooking, mix well, turn off the jam and pour it into sterilized jars.

Quick recipe "Five minutes"

Such jam is prepared simply, quickly and retains many vitamins and nutrients. For 1 kilogram of berries take 500 grams of sugar. The secret is that the berries are poured into the basin in thin layers, alternately sprinkling them with sugar. Then the juice is left to run at room temperature for 3-4 hours. Then put on a high heat, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

jam on the stove

Thick jam with whole berries

This is a beautiful and tasty jam, thick, somewhat reminiscent of jam, consistency. For 2 kilograms of strawberries add 1.5 kilograms of sugar and 2 slices of lemon along with the peel. Then everything is mixed well, put in the refrigerator and left there for a day. At room temperature, the period decreases to 3-4 hours. Then put the pan on low heat, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

Then the berries are carefully removed, and the syrup is continued to cook for an hour, adding finely chopped lemon. Then it is boiled for another 1 or 2 hours, depending on how thick the jam is required. Then the berries are added and boiled for another 5-10 minutes.

Thick jam

Multicooker recipe

It is convenient to cook jam using a multicooker right in the country, in the absence of gas. Thanks to the gentle cooking mode, the berries remain intact. The smallest fruits are selected, with or without tails. Strawberries are sprinkled with sugar directly in the multicooker and the "Stew" mode is turned on.

For cooking, take 500 grams of berries, 500 grams of sugar and half a glass of water. Boil for 30 minutes, and then poured into sterilized jars.

five-minute jam

With peduncles (sepals)

For cooking, they take the berries along with the stalks, additionally saving energy on cleaning. Sepals will add an additional forest aroma and piquant flavor to the finished product, but they are not felt directly when consumed. Plus, this jam looks very impressive in a jar. For 1 kilogram of fruit, add 1 kilogram of sugar.

Without cooking

With this method of preparation, the jam preserves all the nutrients and vitamins as much as possible. Due to its exceptional, fresh taste and aroma, it is used as a filling for many desserts and baked goods.

Strawberry jam

For 400 grams of berries, take 300 grams of sugar and pour everything into a blender. Then the ingredients are interrupted into a homogeneous mass and poured into jars. You can add a few sprigs of mint for added flavor during processing.

In syrup

Such a jam is prepared with a gentle method, this allows you to preserve vitamins as much as possible. For 1 kilogram of strawberries, 1.3 kilograms of sugar and 500 milliliters of water are taken. First, syrup is boiled from water and sugar, and then berries are put in it and left to infuse for 5 hours. Then put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes until tender.

Strawberry jam

With citric acid

Some housewives use lemon when cooking, but it is easier and more convenient to add citric acid at the end of the jam. It helps to brighten the color, prevent sugaring and increase shelf life. For 2 kilograms of strawberries and sugar, put a teaspoon of citric acid.

How to store a treat correctly?

Pasteurized strawberry jam is stored at temperatures from 0 to +20 C degrees, but not at minus. And unpasteurized is stored at a temperature not higher than +10 C degrees. In a hermetically sealed container, the jam does not lose its qualities up to 2 years. Cellars, cellars, glazed balconies and home storage rooms are suitable for storage.

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