A simple step-by-step recipe for gooseberries with lemon for the winter without cooking

Gooseberries are often used in cooking for winter preparations. To create a delicious snack, berries are combined with other foods. Most often they are harvested for the winter along with lemons. Before you start cooking, you need to familiarize yourself with the recipes for gooseberries with lemon for the winter without cooking.

Features of making cold gooseberry jam with lemon for the winter

It is recommended to understand in advance the features that will help to make the right jam from gooseberry berries and fresh lemon:

  • to create a sweet snack, the most juicy and large berries are selected, using unripe fruits is contraindicated;
  • the lemon that will be added to the dish should not be very sour, so as not to spoil the taste;
  • cooked jam should be stored in hermetically sealed containers.

Required products for the recipe

Before starting cooking, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of products that are part of the recipe. To prepare a sweet dish you will need:

  • Gooseberry berries. This is the main ingredient, without which it is impossible to create a blank. It is enough to cook one and a half kilograms of fresh berries.
  • Lemon. To give the jam its characteristic acidity, lemons are added to it. On average, no more than three lemons weighing 100-120 grams are used.
  • Sugar. The dish should turn out to be sweet, and therefore sugar powder is added to it in an amount of 400-600 grams.

How do I prepare the ingredients?

All the necessary ingredients must be prepared in advance. To begin with, gooseberry fruits are carefully examined. Berries, on the surface of which there is a gray coating or dark spots, are immediately thrown away, since you cannot make jam from them. All other fruits are washed and the tails located at the edges are removed.

cooking jam

Having finished with the berries, they begin to prepare the lemon. It is thoroughly washed with warm water to wash it off. If necessary, peel it to make it less acidic.

Preparation of containers

Small half-liter jars are used as containers in which the jam will be stored. They should not be dirty and therefore they are washed in advance under the pressure of cool water. Some sterilize containers in boiling water, but this is not necessary.

Raw jam cooking process

Having prepared the ingredients and containers, they begin to make jam for the winter. Cooked foods must be turned into gruel.

To do this, they are passed through a meat grinder or chopped in a kitchen blender.

The resulting mass is poured into a bowl, covered with sugar and thoroughly stirred with a spoon. After that, the cooked jam is poured into jars and tightened with lids.

cooking raw jam

How to store workpieces correctly?

The workpieces rolled up in cans cannot be stored for a long time in the kitchen, where the temperature exceeds 10-15 degrees. It is recommended to transfer them to a cool cellar, where the jam will not deteriorate within 2-4 years. However, not everyone has a cellar for long-term storage of winter preparations. In this case, the jars can be placed in the refrigerator or on the balcony.


From grown gooseberries, winter preparations are often prepared with the addition of lemon. To correctly create delicious jam from such products, you need to familiarize yourself with the recipe for making a sweet snack without cooking.

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